Friday, July 13, 2012


TGIF, right?!

My whole family is thinking that because TODAY is THE day that Mike is heading home from the Middle East!!!!!

As I type this, he is now already in Greece. He's pretty much taking the same route home that he took to get to the Middle East. Tomorrow they'll be in Scotland (SO jealous right now!), the next day Canada (also jealous because I love Canada too :]), and he'll be home on Monday!!! whoop, whoop!

I know a certain lady by the name of Sarah who is ecstatic to have him back! ;) We all are! So please keep him in your prayers this weekend that he'll make it back safely.

Well, our family just took a vote: we're going to Gettysburg labor day weekend!!! :D If you haven't known me for that long, you just won't understand how excited I am to go back! Growing up, we would go to Gettysburg EVERY summer! I've been there so much that it's practically my second home (besides Word of Life, that is). I know more about the battle of Gettysburg than any other Civil War battle. And even though I already have 2,700 pictures of Gettysburg, I always take 270 more when we go back :) well, I've got a newer, better camera this time around, so I'm probably going to take A LOT! so, just warning you! haha...I'll probably just dedicate a post to a bunch of the good pictures I've taken. Gettysburg, the military park and the town, are so photogenic. Don't believe me? Then let me show you with some pictures I've taken there in past years...

These next four are of a Confederate encampment that was by Spangler's Spring. They had all their tents set up, a surgery area, a clothes washing area, and they even got in formation and shot their rifles! It was awesome! Oh, and I edited the pictures to make them look like Civil War era pictures :)

South & Baltimore...just some of the many streets we walk down in town.

I always have to get a sunset picture on top of Little Round Top :) It such a great way to end the day and the view is awesome! I edited this one with words. It's a quote from Col. Vincent, who was one of the Union officers to defend Little Round Top from the Confederates. "Don't give them an inch!", he said. And lucky for us, they didn't :) The statue in the picture isn't Col. Vincent, but Brigadier General Gouverneur Warren, who warned the rest of the Union army that the Confederates were advancing towards Little Round Top. If he wasn't there, then the Confederates probably would've gotten that ground. During, the Civil War, if you had the high ground, you had a better chance of winning.
but, enough of the history lesson ;)

another beautiful sunset shot on top Little Round Top.

Have a great weekend! Stay cool! :{D


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hey, guys! 
Hope y'all are having a relaxing Saturday!
or perhaps you're doing some DIY! In that case, I hope whatever you've worked on comes out nicely :)

How was everyone's 4th? Do anything fun? I wanna know! leave comments...please? :{D

My family gets to celebrate the 4th of July in a special way because it's my Grandma Blanchard's birthday! Mostly every year, we've had a big party at my aunt's house and we have a cookout and swim endlessly in her big in-ground pool :)

(the following pictures were all taken by my sister or Nick)

Grandma, the birthday girl, Carrie, Me, Elise, and Sarah


Man, the pool was so refreshing! I went in way more than once, and Elise loves the pool :)

Me, Grandma, and Laura

My grandma LOVES cows, so my cousin, Sarah, on the right, drew this picture and framed it as a present for grandma :) Isn't it awesome!? She's so talented! Good job Sarah! :)

We always take a cousins picture with grandma every year, but now that some of us have "special friends" ;), we decided to include them too! We're that nice! haha

l to r: Remi (Sarah's boyfriend), Sarah (don't worry she has a swimsuit on underneath that towel! haha), Carrie, Mike (Carrie's boyfriend), Grandma, Dave, Elise, Laura, Nick, Sarah, and Me. All that's missing is Mike! But not for long! He'll be home in 9 days! We're in the single digits now folks! :D

My Grandparents. Love you both! <3

Alright....Who has seen The Amazing Spider-man???? Anyone? If  you haven't, you must! It's a great rehashing from the 3 older Spider-man movies. 
To be honest, I think I like Andrew Garfield better as Spider-man :) and if you've seen any interviews with him and heard his adorable British accent, then I'm sure you dig this dude just as much as I do! I liked Toby Macguire as Spider-man, but not so much as Peter Parker. I didn't think he looked nerdy enough. I like Andrew Garfield in both roles. He has the perfect amount of nerdy to him, and when he puts the glasses on, it's absolutely nerd-ific! hehe...and even when he's dressed up as Spider-man, he still goofs off like a nerd, but he also gets very tough when he has to be or when he's forced to be.
I, like my friend Chelsea over at How I Dwell Now, have such a girl crush on Emma Stone! haha It's not like I'd stalk her, but it's just that she has great style, great personality, and every movie I've seen her in I've loved! First one I saw her in was Easy A, and that was of course, when I first liked her. I like her so much better as Gwen Stacy then Bryce Dallas Howard (even though I do like her to). She makes Gwen into more of a complex character than the Gwen in the older movie who was more a damsel in distress/ditzy character. Emma Stone makes her strong, funny, deep, and emotional, and I just loved the scenes with Gwen and Peter. :) 
But, anyway, enough of my gushing...point is, it's a great movie, perfect for guys and girls, and I think you should go see it, really soon. :p

This was one of my favorite scenes with them :) 

Okay, folks, I guess that's it for today. 
Have a great weekend!