Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I just heard the most thrilling news!

Disney bought Lucasfilm Ltd. and they will be cranking out a new Star Wars movie every 2-2 1/2 years!!!

*happy dance*

Join in if you want ;)

Check out this video for more insight as to why George Lucas is "passing the torch" to Kathleen Kennedy.

I love how he says that he'll get to be a fan now, and I'm just picturing him going to the movie theater for the midnight showing and he won't have to dress up as anything from the Star Wars universe, because...He MADE the Star Wars universe! Just going as himself would be Star Wars-y enough! 

So, thank you George Lucas for creating this world for us to enjoy and explore, and I, for one, look forward to the new movies that will be coming out in the future! I have every confidence in Kathleen Kennedy because she has worked under Lucas' wing for a long time now, and I feel that she will a stellar (pun intended) job with this next chapter in the Star Wars history! 

May the Force be with you!

Go HERE for more about this story.

Okay, enough of Star Wars...

on to Amber Marshall and horses!

If you forgot, Amber Marshall is the lead actress on the Canadian family show, HEARTLAND, which is pretty much my favorite show of all time now! =]

Yesterday, her Life & Style Magazine went on sale! 

Did I order it? Silly question...Of course I did! 

And not just one issue, but the quarterly subscription :D

Why am I an Amber fan?

She's such a sweet, kind, and down-to-earth person with a passion for all animals, from the littlest kitten to the biggest horse. And it is the show, Heartland, that inspired me to become a vet assistant and hopefully one day work with horses. It's also brought out the cowgirl in me, and I'm am perfectly okay with that ;)

^Here's the cover of the first issue!

Can't wait to find this in my mailbox!

Tomorrow, if I have time, I'll post some pictures of my Glimmer costume, and the other two girls who are dressing up as Clove and Effie Trinket!

And, I'll be making those Cheese Buns again, AND a Sweet Orange Cake, that apparently (by the cookbook's reasoning) tastes like Gale Hawthorne's kiss! haha...The girls and I had a good laugh at that one, so I just HAVE to make it! I mean, who WOULDN'T want to know what his kiss tastes like? HAHA...I'll be posting the recipe for that cake as well...

Until next time...


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Since there's a a week and a half until Halloween, I thought it was time to carve up a pumpkin! Everytime I do, I think of Linus in "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" shouting, "Oh! You didn't tell me you were gonna kill it!" to Lucy. Now, speaking of that, I want to watch it! It's always a must watch for me around this time :)

I was all ready to carve a cat's face into it, and at the last second, I changed my mind. I'm glad I did! I think it came out great, and it just shows my love for horses :)

The pumpkin I carved was unique. It still has a lot of green on it except the one patch of all orange where I carved the horse. And it was really tough to get the pieces out after I cut the outline of it. If you look closely, you can see that its still green on the inside of the pumpkin too.  Because of all the small pieces, this thing took me almost 2 hours to do. It's a good thing I don't mind pumpkin carving!

Our mum used to be orange, but it turned yellow and is still as gorgeous as ever!

I hope you found time this weekend for a fun Fall activity! Did you do pumpkin carving like me? If so, what'd you carve into yours?


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Alright, I'm gonna pull a Pioneer Woman and show y'all picture by picture
how I made a recipe from The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook!
I thought it'd be fun to make something from this for Halloween since myself and 2 others at work are dressing up as Hunger Games characters, so it only makes sense to snack on something from the Hunger Games universe! ;)

I decided to make Peeta's Cheese Buns, and surprisingly, it's not hard at all, and I tasted one, and they are yummy!

So here's what you'll need:

Bisquick, garlic powder, sugar, milk, sharp cheddar cheese, butter, Old Bay Seasoning, salt

First off, you wanna preheat the oven to 450 and grease a cookie sheet.

Next add 2 cups of Bisquick to a bowl...

Then add 1/3 teaspoon of garlic powder...

Next, add the 1/4 cup of sugar...

Then add 2/3 cup of milk (I use whole, but use whatever ya got!)...

Next comes the 3/4 cup of sharp cheddar cheese...I LOVE sharp cheese! 

Mix it all up until the milk has combined with all the dry ingredients...

On the greased cookie sheet, place a spoonful of the batter. It doesn't have to look like a perfect circle unless you're really OCD ;)

And bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes!

But we're not done yet! We have a butter mixture to make! 
In a microwave-safe bowl, add a stick of butter...

...1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder...

...1/2 teaspoon of Old Bay Seasoning...

...and lastly, a 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

Heat it up in the microwave for 30 seconds until it's completely melted.

When the cheese buns come out of the oven, generously brush the tops of the buns.

And ta-da! You can now snack on Katniss' favorite cheese buns!

"Katniss loves Peeta's family's cheese buns, and throughout The Hunger Games trilogy the buns have become a symbol of home and of Katniss and Peeta's lives before the became tributes. This symbolism is so pervasive that Katniss's preference for cheese buns becomes part of Peeta and Katniss's 'Real or Not Real' game to help Peeta find himself after the Capitol violated and changed his memories. 
(Mockingjay, Chapter 19)" 
[The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook, pg. 38]

I also might make the Sweet Orange Cake from this cookbook too! 
I'd say that Peeta's Cheese Buns are a success! I might make them more often :)

Until next time...

May the odds be ever in your favor!