By now, you all should know what day is today.
Don't forget the horrible things that happened. It may make you cry, but I believe that just shows how much you love your country and believe in it that you would shed tears even 12 years later. But some don't want to be reminded of it, and for them, I pray that God would give them comfort. If I were a family member of a victim, I wouldn't like to see reminders of 9/11 everywhere I turn, but I just pray that they can understand we put a focus on this day because the US was attacked and people put their lives on line then--to rescue those in NYC, the Pentagon, and PA--and now to protect our nation from our attackers. Radio, TV, social media...they all honor this day by not forgetting how brutal it was. I, for one, don't want to know the watered-down version of that day. I want to know just how bad it was. I don't want to become desensitized to it just because others have. If you beat around the bush about it, then future generations will only think of it as just another chapter they have to study in their history book.
This is why I'm into the Civil War era. I don't want to forget how tragic and awful that time was because so many men died on battlefields so that all men could be equal. I even had a relative who was a Union soldier. One of these days, I really want to go through my family's ancestry and find out more about him.
But, l'll end my rant here, and leave you with this photo that the Air1 Facebook page posted earlier today:

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