Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

One of the most random holidays ever!

Or is it????

Ever wonder why we celebrate St. Patrick for a whole day? I did what any person in this century does....

I googled him. hehe :p

This is what I found out:

When he was 16, he was kidnapped from Wales by Irish raiders who took him back to Ireland to be a slave. He was there for 6 years before he was finally able to escape and return to his family.

After he entered into the Church, he returned to Ireland as an ordained bishop. In other words, a missionary. By the 7th century he had come to be a revered patron saint of Ireland. Kinda funny how he used to be nothing in Ireland. Just a slave, and he was brave enough to go back and became this important person in their history.

St. Patrick used a cloverleaf to help demonstrate the teaching of the Holy Trinity -3 in 1, Father, Son & Holy Spirit are one and the same. That's why the cloverleaf is a symbol of St. Patrick's Day.

The reason why St. Patrick's Day is on March 17th is because that is the date that he died.

So, now people celebrate him by drinking beer and getting drunk. Sorry about that, Patrick...

I don't do that, but I always wear green on the 17th, and I figured I'd share with you WHY we have this holiday. I do love having corned beef and cabbage too...but my parents are away at the Bahamas and I've never cooked that before by myself. I almost bought some pre-cooked at Price Chopper today but didnt think paying $14 for some overcooked corned beef, potatoes, and soggy cabbage...

I guess I'll have to pay attention next time when my Mom makes it ;)