Friday, March 16, 2012

Oh, hey!

Oh, hey people who look at my blog!
Wow, am I EVER bad at keeping this thing updated!
I'm gonna try to get on here more. key word "try".
so it may not happen.

So, since Christmas (which was awesome since we got to be with Elise on her 1st Christmas ever!) a big change has occured! I am now a college student again! yep, you read that right! it's pretty awesome being back in school, I must say, and it's even more awesome when people ask you, "So what are you doing with your life?" and now I can finally say "Work AND school!" for the past 4 years, whenever anyone would ask me that, I'd always feel kinda depressed because I still bumming around with no direction for my future.

Yep, life is good right now! I've got 2 PT jobs (I'm thankful to have any job at all), I'm finally back in school and feel confident about what I'm going for (VET ASSISTANT!), I have a crazy, awesome family, the cutest and funniest niece ever, and God is good! 

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, so wear green, look up online why there even is a St. Patrick's Day, and go to Stewarts for a free ice cream cone (just make sure you wear green!)

oh, and 5 days til my 23rd birthday! :] in case you were wondering :)