Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I kinda abandoned y'all this summer, didn't I?

So sorry! 

Can't help it when you're busy with work and school and all the fun summer stuff in between :) but now that summer is finally winding down (can I hear an AMEN?! I love Fall!) hopefully I can get on here more and update y'all on what's happening.

Well, last week was a blast! I spent the week up at Word of Life Family Campground, helping out the kitchen crew since they were short a person. I stayed in my tent the whole week (even through a couple thunderstorms) and by the time I got home, I practically hugged by bed when I saw it! I don't mind sleeping in a tent (I had an air mattress that helped the whole "hard ground" thing) but still, its a tent. Not my bedroom that I'm used to that I can actually stand up in and change clothes and get ready for the day. I gotta give a hand to people who haved lived in tents longer than just my one little week. I keep thinking of the soldiers during the Civil War. They had to stay in tents for 4 years!

Here's some pictures from the week:

Me and the Walters gang (Jordan, Emily, and Eli)

goofing around with Sarah, Emily, and Kristin :)

view when I look straight up where my tent was *sigh*

Maddie and Audrey volunteered to clean out the septic box under the sink...foul things happen in there...foul. They were such champs about it :)

The boys love Blucher...maybe too much ;)

me and Blucher :]

sunset my last night at camp...

I'll be back up there this weekend though, because my church always has an annual camping weekend there at the end of every summer...it'll just be strange not having the rest of the staff there :(

And then to close out the summer, me and my family are going down to Gettysburg and Lancaster! We're gonna go see Jonah at the Sight and Sound Theater. If you ever get a chance, GO! they do amazing productions!

This picture doesn't even do the place justice....so grander in person! unfortunately, you can't take pictures during the show, but I'll take some of the building and on the inside of the place. the lobby is so beautiful! 

That's it for today! You guys have a great rest of the week! 
and for now...a parting shot of me and Elise :)
