Saturday, August 24, 2013

Well, what can I say....I go through phases. One minute I'm this somewhat consistent blogger, and the next, I've fallen off the face of the earth. It's not that I didn't have time. To be honest, I lost interest...but I'm back now! And hopefully will post something at least once a week for y'all to read and enjoy! 

Since my last post, A LOT of things have happened! So many things that you'd probably read this post for hours on end! (That is, if I've kept your interest!) One of the biggest things that has happened is this: 

Say a cyber hello to my now 5-ish month old rabbit, Pippin (the 2nd). Yep, I'm that much of a nerd, that I named my rabbit after a Hobbit from Lord of the Rings. BUT Pippin isn't a boy! She is a female mixed breed: 1/2 New Zealand and 1/2 Giant Chinchilla. And the best part is that I got her for free! My pastor raises rabbits for food, but back in October of 2012 I asked if I could possibly have one as a pet. He said he had a beautiful black one and said he'd keep it until after winter so we could build a hutch. 

The funny thing though is that during that time period, he never checked to see its gender, but found out in winter 2013 that she was pregnant! Question answered! So Pippin stayed longer than expected, and when she had her babies there was another black one in the litter! I originally was going to take Pippin after the babies had been weaned, but Pastor Duke said she is a good mother and took great care of them that he wanted to keep her to raise more rabbits. I thought that was the sweetest thing so I said yes and took home the black baby rabbit instead and named her Pippin the 2nd. :) 

It's crazy to think that I used to be able to hold her in one hand! She gets bigger every week it seems like and she's been a good pet to have since we had to put Barkley to sleep...on my birthday :( the 22nd of this month marked the 5 month anniversary. Luckily, we were able to bring her home and bury her in the back yard near the forest. Now Pippin's hutch sits right next to her grave and it makes me happy for some reason. 

Another big milestone for me has been entering pictures into the fair! I finally remembered to get them in before the deadline this year and to my shock, I won 2 ribbons!

This one of Barkley won 2nd in the "animals, color" category! She may not be with us anymore but she still won :) this is a picture of the picture, so it doesn't look as good as the original.

And this one won 1st place in the "seasonal,color" category! I took this at the multi-use trail behind our house :)

It's definitely been a fun, busy summer! Next week I'll post more about what I've done this summer :)

Have an awesome weekend!