Sunday, December 30, 2012

So Long, 2012!

Many people didn't think we'd all make it to 2013, but here we are only 2 days away from the start of a new year!

I thought it wasn't going to snow at all before the new year, but looking outside, we have a good 10 inches coating the ground! 

2012 was a fun-filled year! Looking back, here are some of my favorite memories I've taken the time to type up and share with you on this blog over the past year:

The Hunger Games movie
Elise turns 1
sharing about my favorite show, Heartland (which has the most views, by the way :D as of right now, 426!)
my tribute to Adrianne, who passed away in April
The Taste of Home Cooking Show
getting my Crowntail Betta fish, Tritan, who sadly, silently died during the night a few months ago :(
Disney-themed birthday party for my two friends
Volunteering at Word of Life Campground
Gettysburg trip
camping in the ADKs
9/11 tribute post
Dressing up as Glimmer from The Hunger Games for Halloween
One Year Anniversary for my blog!
Top 5 Christmas reads & Top 10 Christmas movies

So excited to see what this new year will bring! I already know of one big thing that will be happening in my life: graduating from Penn Foster Career School!!!

and I'm sure that'll only be the start of all the great things God has in store for me! He's been so good to me with supplying all my needs and answering prayers, and literally protecting me while I'm out and about! 

He also put two lovely ladies in my path who work at a vet clinic just down the road from my high school, and one of them is the hiring manager! she said if I would like, I could volunteer there or possibly intern in the future! I know this will be be a great stepping stone as I would like to be a vet assistant to a traveling vet because they go out to all the farms, and I really love all those farm animals =]

Something I'm going to do this new year is write down things that have happened in my life from the little things to the big ones and put them in a jar and at the end of next year, i'm going to take them all out and read them!

Yep, Pinterest...haha :-p can't take the credit!

So, to all those who take the time to read my blog, THANK YOU! and have a happy, healthy, adventurous NEW YEAR!

