Monday, September 26, 2011

An Apple a Day...

One of my family's favorite things to do during the Autumn season is go apple picking! Around where I'm from, It's pretty much *the* thing to do this time of year. The past fews years I've gone with my Mom, little brother, older sister and brother-in-law. This year was different.


...because it was my neice's, Elise, first time going. :)
Mind you, she's only hitting 6 months old, so she's not gonna remember it...but boy, we sure will.
Plus there were about 27 cameras snapping pictures of her cause she's just too darn cute not to take pictures!

If you look closely, she's got apples in her lap. She LOVES apples!!

Mmm Mmm! Nothing like a crisp apple straight outta the orchard!

 This is our go-to place every year! We also pick up some cider and fresh cider donuts. Is your mouth watering yet?

I love taking close-up pictures of apples, and I made this look even cooler with my editing program.

She always has her fingers in her mouth, but I think she had them in her mouth this time to lick all the apple juice she got on her hands :)

Some more editing fun. I kinda did a "Twilight"-themed picture. I like mine better than the other one, but I'm biased, of course ;)

While picking them, we also ate some and her daddy, Nick, let her try it, and she sucked out the juices. Any time we'd try and take the apple away, she'd cry! It was too funny!

We had Nick and Guiseppe do about 5 or 6 jumping pictures. This was the only one that came out the best! I love jumping pictures :D

This place is HUGE! This is only a small portion of this awesome orchard!

Hope you find time to visit an apple orchard this Autumn!