Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's another one of those lazy, Autumn (yep, I say Autumn instead of Fall) Sundays. You've just gotten back from a great morning at church, you change into your Sunday chill-out clothes, and the football games are starting on TV...Sundays are awesome! Know what could make it better?

Blackberry cobbler. :D

Made this for the 1st time today and it came out pretty tasty.

Got the recipe from a Food Network Show, The Pioneer Woman. She has a great blog too, with a lot more recipes :p

This cobbler's a little different from other cobblers. This one is more cake-y. Which in my opinion, is awesome!

Here's the recipe:

You need:

1 cup self-rising flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup whole milk
1/2 stick of melted butter
blackberries, rinsed

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix well flour, sugar, milk, and butter. 
Pour batter into a buttered/greased baking dish.
Sprinkle the blackberries on the batter. Don't mix it together.
Dust a 1/4 cup of sugar on the top.
Bake for 1 hour.