Friday, September 30, 2011


Happy Friday, y'all! :)

Me, Mom, and Dad were supposed to go camping this weekend, but Saturday and Sunday are going to be rainy, so scratch that. No more camping. Which stinks :(....I've never been camping during the autumn season so I was looking forward to it, plus the campground's up near Word of Life and we were going to visit the BI because my high school was playing a soccer game there against Mountainside. I was excited to see some of my WOL family. But I'm trying not to let it get me too down...I know I'll be up to WOL in October for Harvest Jamboree. Pretty stoked about that. I love only living an hour away!

But at least I'll get to sleep in tomorrow. I always love doing that. Saturdays I don't normally get to sleep in because I have to work. But I'm taking it off anyway even though we're not going camping.

On an adorable note, I got to see my niece alot this week! I got to babysit her two times :) three if you count the 15 minutes I watched her while her Momma went out to get some corn on the cob. I also took a walk one evening with Elise and Laura. I only saw her yesterday but I already miss her! I absolutely LOVE my niece!

By the way, Happy 6 months, Elise! :)

Have a great weekend everybody! Since it'll be rainy, may I suggest seeing the new movie by the Kendrick's brothers (Fireproof, Facing the Giants), Courageous! I just might go see it this weekend :)