Sunday, December 9, 2012

So, it's pretty obvious that I've totally been neglecting my blogging duties since early November...oops :-p

Never fear! For I am now here! 

The last 6, 7 weeks have been busy with school, work, getting ready for Thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping, decorating for Christmas, going to Christmas parties, and a whole bunch of other stuff!

So, I figured a nice return back to my blog would have to have a post about our Christmas tree this year! 

We had every intention of going to Nations Tree Farm, but when we got there, they weren't selling trees anymore. The only upside from the whole trip was that we got to go on a nice drive through the countryside in my Dad's new Dodge Ram truck! Bah-BAM! haha =]

So we ended up driving into town and picked up a tree at Country Living Center. A cute little Douglas Fir, not too tall, not too bushy...just right =D AND, I noticed it still had a pine cone attached to one of the branches! 

My Dad and brother Dave sawed off some flimsy branches and took a little bit off the bottom and got the tree in the stand, and Mom and I took care of the lights, garland, and decorations! 

It came out pretty nice, and my cat is loving to be able to escape under the tree and sleep. She's probably so confused as to why we're bringing a tree inside! 

Here's some photos from the day:

the black blob under the left side of the tree would be my cat...

She was so thrilled I took a picture of her haha...

Well, if I'm unable to blog again before Christmas Day...Hope you all have a Merry Christmas with your families or friends! Enjoy the season and all the fun it brings! 

Much Love,