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Consecutive posts?!
This doesn't happen often! haha
I figured since I did my top 5 Christmas Reads, I'd also do a Top 10 Christmas Movies =)
I think I sorta did this last year, but many of you may not have seen that post, and every year I always seem to find another favorite Christmas movie...so here it goes:
Let's go backwards and count down to my absolute favorite movie!
10. The Nativity Story
Great movie, but read the story directly from the Bible too =)
9. The Polar Express
Saw this in theaters with my sister and (at the time) my future brother-in-law! The way the boy doubts about Santa Claus being real is a fresh way to start the movie, because you automatically think all children believe Santa is real. Favorite part of the movie is when he loses the girl's ticket and you watch as the ticket gets carried off by wolves and an eagle, and you see all this amazing scenery!
8. A Muppet Christmas Carol
How can you say no to The Muppets? I grew up watching these crazy characters, and whenever I watch this, I always think back to all the fun me and my siblings had around Christmas time because we grew up watching this every year! and we still do!
7. Elf
I'm not the biggest Will Ferrell fan, but I just love him in Elf! I can't imagine anyone else being Buddy.
6. The Christmas Card
This is a Hallmark movie that follows a military man's journey to find the woman who sent him a Christmas card to the Middle East. It's such a cute movie and it had Ed Asner in it, and love that guy! He was actually the one who played Santa in Elf (Christmas fun fact!)
5. Ernest Saves Christmas
Bring in the Redneck! My Grandma and Grandpa W. introduced me and my siblings to Ernest P. Worrell--a redneck Southerner who gets in just about any misadventure you can think of! In this movie, he helps Santa (who just so happened to find his way into Ernest's taxi cab in Orlando, FL) find a replacement to carry on the Christmas tradition! Because, hey, he may be Santa, but he can't live forever! KnowhutImean? (just an Ernest saying, don't mind me, hehe)
Oh, and if you didn't know, Jim Varney used to be the voice of Slinky in Toy Story before he passed away...
4. Christmas With the Kranks
Every year, Luther and Nora Krank can never seem to make it on that cruise and skip Christmas! ;-)
3. A Charlie Brown Christmas
Aah, the ultimate Christmas classic! not a Christmas goes by that I don't watch this! God Bless, Charles Schulz for creating the Peanuts gang :-)
2. Deck the Halls

Danny Devito, Matthew Broderick, Kristin Chenoweth, and a few scenes with Jorge Garcia from LOST! what's not to love about this movie!
okay, we're at #1! and if you know me, you'll know that I love horses and I love the Canadian show, Heartland! So when they came out with a full-length Christmas movie in 2009, it was obvious that I had to get it for my Christmas movie collection!
1. A Heartland Christmas
Amy (on the right in the picture) and her boyfriend Ty (on the bottom in the sleigh) get a call that a herd of horses has been trapped by an avalanche near Pike River and decide to go and bring food and blankets and figure out how to get the horses free. Amy's sister, Lou (on the left in the above picture), on the other hand, wants a traditional Christmas with everybody there to help out. One thing leads to another, and Lou finds herself almost alone on Christmas Eve, but Mallory, their neighbor, stays with her since her parents got stuck at an airport coming home.
Meanwhile, Amy and Ty try to help the horses but another avalanche comes down the mountain making it even harder to free the horses. Amy's grandpa, Jack (in the middle in the above picture) and her father, Tim show up to help with the rescue, and at first, the town's people are hesitant to help, until the grandson of the man who abandoned the horses, starts to help them. Soon the whole town comes to help and finally the man responsible seeks forgiveness and jumps in to help out. With the horses freed and taken care of, Amy and the rest of them manage to make it home on Christmas Day and enjoy the day with family.
I'm sure some of you have the same movies on your Top 10, but maybe you saw some that weren't? My advice? If it's a Christmas movie, give it a whirl! You never know...you may find a new must-see for every Christmas! More Christmas movies, the better, right?
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
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