Sunday, October 2, 2011

iPod Shuffle for Love146!

Hey y'all!

Okay, so recently my church, Temple Baptist Church (click on name to go to church website) had Rob Morris as a guest speaker in both services. Man, was it ever convicting! He works with the organization Love146 which strives to end child sex slavery and exploitation. you can check out their website >>>here<<<. Last weekend, there were numerous people from my church that participated in the fundraiser, "Ride, Run, Walk 4 Love". I found out that over $2,000 dollars were raised through those who financially supported the riders, runners, and walkers! Wahoo! :)

Well, sadly, I couldn't participate in the fundraiser because I had to work :(....but just today I thinking how I need to get rid of my iPod shuffle because I never use it anymore since I have a Nano *and* an iPod Touch. Now, I could just sell it on Craigslist or Ebay and keep the money for myself, but I've been feeling so convicted lately about helping out Love146. Even if it'll only be a small dollar amount, it doesn't matter, because *any* amount is significant because it could help save a child from a horrible life.

So I've decided that whoever buys it, that money will go right Love146 -- ALL OF IT.

Price I'm selling it at: $75

And it will include: iPod shuffle with 1 GB of memory, USB charger dock, and three color cases

Please, please, please someone buy this! Your $75 could help save and change a child's life!

Imagine from LOVE146 on Vimeo.