Sunday, December 30, 2012

So Long, 2012!

Many people didn't think we'd all make it to 2013, but here we are only 2 days away from the start of a new year! I thought it wasn't going to snow at all before the new year, but looking outside, we have a good 10 inches coating the ground!  2012 was a fun-filled year! Looking back, here are some of my favorite memories I've taken the time to type up and share with you on this blog over the past year: The Hunger Games movie Elise...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My Top 10 Christmas Movies

What's this?  Consecutive posts?! This doesn't happen often! haha I figured since I did my top 5 Christmas Reads, I'd also do a Top 10 Christmas Movies =) I think I sorta did this last year, but many of you may not have seen that post, and every year I always seem to find another favorite Christmas here it goes: Let's go backwards and count down to my absolute favorite movie! 10. The Nativity Story Great movie, but...

Friday, December 21, 2012

My Top 5 Christmas Reads

This Christmas season seems to have been busier than past years. Maybe because we thought the world was gonna end today? Yep, the older I get, the more things I have on my plate at Christmas time, but it's fun stuff! Amid all the hustle and bustle of shopping, parties, and cooking, I still managed to fit in some good ol' book reading =] After all, I work at a library, so what kind of clerk would I be if I didn't read the books we let people...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

So, it's pretty obvious that I've totally been neglecting my blogging duties since early November...oops :-p Never fear! For I am now here!  The last 6, 7 weeks have been busy with school, work, getting ready for Thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping, decorating for Christmas, going to Christmas parties, and a whole bunch of other stuff! So, I figured a nice return back to my blog would have to have a post about our Christmas tree this...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Alright, I promised I'd post the recipe of the Sweet Orange Cake I made for work on Halloween Night...aaand pictures of me as Glimmer! And if I do say so myself...I thought the costume came out pretty well =] But first! The cake, because its more important than me haha ;] Now in the cookbook, the full title is: The Taste of Gale's Kiss - Sweet Orange Cake This is officially an inside joke between me and my co-workers now! here's the recipe: >Crunch...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I just heard the most thrilling news! Disney bought Lucasfilm Ltd. and they will be cranking out a new Star Wars movie every 2-2 1/2 years!!! *happy dance* Join in if you want ;) Check out this video for more insight as to why George Lucas is "passing the torch" to Kathleen Kennedy. I love how he says that he'll get to be a fan now, and I'm just picturing him going to the movie theater for the midnight showing and he won't have...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Since there's a a week and a half until Halloween, I thought it was time to carve up a pumpkin! Everytime I do, I think of Linus in "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" shouting, "Oh! You didn't tell me you were gonna kill it!" to Lucy. Now, speaking of that, I want to watch it! It's always a must watch for me around this time :) I was all ready to carve a cat's face into it, and at the last second, I changed my mind. I'm glad I did! I think...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Alright, I'm gonna pull a Pioneer Woman and show y'all picture by picture how I made a recipe from The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook! I thought it'd be fun to make something from this for Halloween since myself and 2 others at work are dressing up as Hunger Games characters, so it only makes sense to snack on something from the Hunger Games universe! ;) I decided to make Peeta's Cheese Buns, and surprisingly, it's not hard...