Sunday, December 30, 2012

So Long, 2012!

Many people didn't think we'd all make it to 2013, but here we are only 2 days away from the start of a new year!

I thought it wasn't going to snow at all before the new year, but looking outside, we have a good 10 inches coating the ground! 

2012 was a fun-filled year! Looking back, here are some of my favorite memories I've taken the time to type up and share with you on this blog over the past year:

The Hunger Games movie
Elise turns 1
sharing about my favorite show, Heartland (which has the most views, by the way :D as of right now, 426!)
my tribute to Adrianne, who passed away in April
The Taste of Home Cooking Show
getting my Crowntail Betta fish, Tritan, who sadly, silently died during the night a few months ago :(
Disney-themed birthday party for my two friends
Volunteering at Word of Life Campground
Gettysburg trip
camping in the ADKs
9/11 tribute post
Dressing up as Glimmer from The Hunger Games for Halloween
One Year Anniversary for my blog!
Top 5 Christmas reads & Top 10 Christmas movies

So excited to see what this new year will bring! I already know of one big thing that will be happening in my life: graduating from Penn Foster Career School!!!

and I'm sure that'll only be the start of all the great things God has in store for me! He's been so good to me with supplying all my needs and answering prayers, and literally protecting me while I'm out and about! 

He also put two lovely ladies in my path who work at a vet clinic just down the road from my high school, and one of them is the hiring manager! she said if I would like, I could volunteer there or possibly intern in the future! I know this will be be a great stepping stone as I would like to be a vet assistant to a traveling vet because they go out to all the farms, and I really love all those farm animals =]

Something I'm going to do this new year is write down things that have happened in my life from the little things to the big ones and put them in a jar and at the end of next year, i'm going to take them all out and read them!

Yep, Pinterest...haha :-p can't take the credit!

So, to all those who take the time to read my blog, THANK YOU! and have a happy, healthy, adventurous NEW YEAR!




Saturday, December 22, 2012

My Top 10 Christmas Movies

What's this?
 Consecutive posts?!
This doesn't happen often! haha
I figured since I did my top 5 Christmas Reads, I'd also do a Top 10 Christmas Movies =)
I think I sorta did this last year, but many of you may not have seen that post, and every year I always seem to find another favorite Christmas here it goes:

Let's go backwards and count down to my absolute favorite movie!

10. The Nativity Story

Great movie, but read the story directly from the Bible too =)

9. The Polar Express


Saw this in theaters with my sister and (at the time) my future brother-in-law! The way the boy doubts about Santa Claus being real is a fresh way to start the movie, because you automatically think all children believe Santa is real. Favorite part of the movie is when he loses the girl's ticket and you watch as the ticket gets carried off by wolves and an eagle, and you see all this amazing scenery! 

8. A Muppet Christmas Carol

How can you say no to The Muppets? I grew up watching these crazy characters, and whenever I watch this, I always think back to all the fun me and my siblings had around Christmas time because we grew up watching this every year! and we still do! 

7. Elf

I'm not the biggest Will Ferrell fan, but I just love him in Elf! I can't imagine anyone else being Buddy.

6. The Christmas Card

This is a Hallmark movie that follows a military man's journey to find the woman who sent him a Christmas card to the Middle East. It's such a cute movie and it had Ed Asner in it, and love that guy! He was actually the one who played Santa in Elf (Christmas fun fact!)

5. Ernest Saves Christmas

Bring in the Redneck! My Grandma and Grandpa W. introduced me and my siblings to Ernest P. Worrell--a redneck Southerner who gets in just about any misadventure you can think of! In this movie, he helps Santa (who just so happened to find his way into Ernest's taxi cab in Orlando, FL) find a replacement to carry on the Christmas tradition! Because, hey, he may be Santa, but he can't live forever! KnowhutImean? (just an Ernest saying, don't mind me, hehe)
Oh, and if you didn't know, Jim Varney used to be the voice of Slinky in Toy Story before he passed away...

4. Christmas With the Kranks

Every year, Luther and Nora Krank can never seem to make it on that cruise and skip Christmas! ;-)

3. A Charlie Brown Christmas

Aah, the ultimate Christmas classic! not a Christmas goes by that I don't watch this! God Bless, Charles Schulz for creating the Peanuts gang :-)

2. Deck the Halls

Danny Devito, Matthew Broderick, Kristin Chenoweth, and a few scenes with Jorge Garcia from LOST! what's not to love about this movie! 

okay, we're at #1! and if you know me, you'll know that I love horses and I love the Canadian show, Heartland! So when they came out with a full-length Christmas movie in 2009, it was obvious that I had to get it for my Christmas movie collection!

1. A Heartland Christmas

Amy (on the right in the picture) and her boyfriend Ty (on the bottom in the sleigh) get a call that a herd of horses has been trapped by an avalanche near Pike River and decide to go and bring food and blankets and figure out how to get the horses free. Amy's sister, Lou (on the left in the above picture), on the other hand, wants a traditional Christmas with everybody there to help out. One thing leads to another, and Lou finds herself almost alone on Christmas Eve, but Mallory, their neighbor, stays with her since her parents got stuck at an airport coming home. 
Meanwhile, Amy and Ty try to help the horses but another avalanche comes down the mountain making it even harder to free the horses. Amy's grandpa, Jack (in the middle in the above picture) and her father, Tim show up to help with the rescue, and at first, the town's people are hesitant to help, until the grandson of the man who abandoned the horses, starts to help them. Soon the whole town comes to help and finally the man responsible seeks forgiveness and jumps in to help out. With the horses freed and taken care of, Amy and the rest of them manage to make it home on Christmas Day and enjoy the day with family.

I'm sure some of you have the same movies on your Top 10, but maybe you saw some that weren't? My advice? If it's a Christmas movie, give it a whirl! You never may find a new must-see for every Christmas! More Christmas movies, the better, right?

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,


Friday, December 21, 2012

My Top 5 Christmas Reads

This Christmas season seems to have been busier than past years.
Maybe because we thought the world was gonna end today?
Yep, the older I get, the more things I have on my plate at Christmas time, but it's fun stuff!
Amid all the hustle and bustle of shopping, parties, and cooking, I still managed to fit in some good ol' book reading =]
After all, I work at a library, so what kind of clerk would I be if I didn't read the books we let people borrow? Plus, I love when someone gets a book that I've read, and can tell them my thoughts about it! 

This Christmas season, I was able to read 3 books before Christmas Day, and some of the ones on the list, I've read before in past years...AND since I'm a VA student, it's no surprise that most of the books in my top five have something to do with animals! :D

We'll start with the most important story to read this season:

1. Jesus' Birth

I can't go a Christmas without hearing the story of the birth of my King. And my church does a beautiful and unforgettable job of sharing it at the Christmas Eve service!

2. Christmas Dog series -Greg Kincaid

This year, I read A Christmas Home and last year, I read Christmas with Tucker, but for some reason I can't remember reading A Dog Named Christmas. Rest assured, I will definitely read it! I've seen the movie version of the book though, and I love it! I know the book will be better :) 
This series revolves around the McCray family of Crossing Trails, Kansas. In A Dog Named Christmas, Todd McCray, a developmentally challenged young man still living on his parents’ Kansas farm, hears that a local animal shelter is seeking temporary homes for its dogs during the days leading to Christmas, he knows exactly what he wants for the holidays. His father objects, but Todd’s persistence quickly wins out. Soon the McCrays are the short-term foster family for a lovable pooch the young man names Christmas. But what about the other dogs at the animal shelter? They need homes for Christmas too!
In Christmas with Tucker, Greg Kincaid brings back one of that book’s most endearing characters, sharing the moving story of George, a young boy dealing with the loss of his father, and the dog that comes into his life to offer him hope and a touch of courage. It is the winter of 1962, and Kansas is hit with one of the worst blizzards in its history. It is during this cruel season that twelve-year-old George is called upon to endure more than even most grown men could withstand—the death of his father and the upkeep of the family farm that is his legacy. 
When his mother and sisters leave for Minnesota, George has only his grandparents and the companionship of Tucker, an Irish setter, to help him persevere through these most difficult challenges. Can he find the strength to walk the road that leads to healing, finding his true self and ultimately becoming a man?
  In A Christmas Home,Todd McCray, is now twenty-four years old and working at a local animal shelter, where he meets and quickly becomes best friends with Laura, a young volunteer. Laura, like Todd, has disabilities of her own, but her struggles are more physical than developmental. Their friendship is sealed when Todd—with the help of his trusted companion, the tenacious Labrador retriever named Christmas—trains a beautiful dog named Gracie to help Laura with the day-to-day life tasks that are difficult for her. 
            Life seems good for Todd, but all is not well in his hometown. Struggling families unable to make ends meet are abandoning more and more dogs, and the shelter is swelling to capacity.  The local government is struggling to meet its obligations too, and in early December, on the cusp of another holiday season, Todd’s boss delivers the bad news.  Due to funding problems, the shelter will close its doors before the end of the year.  But what will happen to all the animals?  
   As the Christmas holiday approaches, Todd has limited time to find homes for all the dogs. Not to mention that he needs to secure a new job and figure out what to do when his friendship with Laura takes an unexpected romantic turn. All this seems overwhelming unless you’ve got a loving family, dedicated friends, and a couple of very special dogs behind you. In which case, nothing is impossible.
(these summaries are not my own and belong to GoodReads and Christian Book Distributors)

3. A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs

Okay, so if you don't know, my family has a lot of Scottish blood in us, so when I read the this summary and saw the word "Scottish", I knew I had to read it! And I wasn't disappointed :) If you love the Victorian era, you love it as well! 
Christmas Eve 1894 
 All Margaret Campbell wants for Christmas is a safe journey home. When her plans for a festive holiday with her family in Stirling crumble beneath the weight of her brother’s bitterness, the young schoolteacher wants nothing more than to return to the students she loves and the town house she calls home. 
 Then an unexpected detour places her in the path of Gordon Shaw, a handsome newspaperman from Glasgow, who struggles under a burden of remorse and shame. 
 When the secret of their shared history is revealed, will it leave them tangled in a knot of regret? Or might their past hold the threads that will bind their future together?
 As warm as a woolen scarf on a cold winter’s eve, A Wreath of Snow is a tender story of love and forgiveness, wrapped in a celebration of all things Scottish, all things Victorian, and, especially, all things Christmas.

4. The Christmas Pony by Melody Carlson

First off, let me just say that I LOVE Melody Carlson! I've read so many of her YA books, but this is actually the first "Adult" book I've read of hers. Her writing style is so easy to read and she also included an animal that is very dear to my heart --horses! (well, in this case, its a pony!)
Eight-year-old Lucy Turnbull knew better than to wish for a pony that Christmas in 1937. Her mother had assured her in no uncertain terms that asking for a pony was the same as asking for the moon. Besides, the only extra mouths they needed at their boarding house were the paying kind. But when an interesting pair of strangers comes to town, Lucy starts to believe her Christmas wishes might just come true after all.

5. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Now what kind of person would I be if I didn't include A Christmas Carol on the list!? When I was in high school, I read snippets of the story in English/Lit., but never the whole thing, until a few years ago. I saw it sitting on our bookshelf one day in early December and thought, "Alright, time to read this front to back!", and surprisingly, the book and all the movie adaptions are fairly close (well, except The Muppet Christmas Carol, but I absolutely love the Muppets and their version!).
Cruel miser Ebeneezer Scrooge has never met a shilling he doesn’t like...and hardly a man he does. And he hates Christmas most of all. When Scrooge is visited by his old partner, Jacob Marley, and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Yet to Come, he learns eternal lessons of charity, kindness, and goodwill. Experience a true Victorian Christmas!

And those are my top 5 Christmas reads! 
Now go read one! I guarantee one of them will make you feel all Christmas-y =)
And seeing as how the world didn't end, you still have plenty of time to sit down and read a good book ;) (sorry, I just HAD to get in another apocalypse jab)

Until next time...

Have a holly, jolly Christmas,


Sunday, December 9, 2012

So, it's pretty obvious that I've totally been neglecting my blogging duties since early November...oops :-p

Never fear! For I am now here! 

The last 6, 7 weeks have been busy with school, work, getting ready for Thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping, decorating for Christmas, going to Christmas parties, and a whole bunch of other stuff!

So, I figured a nice return back to my blog would have to have a post about our Christmas tree this year! 

We had every intention of going to Nations Tree Farm, but when we got there, they weren't selling trees anymore. The only upside from the whole trip was that we got to go on a nice drive through the countryside in my Dad's new Dodge Ram truck! Bah-BAM! haha =]

So we ended up driving into town and picked up a tree at Country Living Center. A cute little Douglas Fir, not too tall, not too bushy...just right =D AND, I noticed it still had a pine cone attached to one of the branches! 

My Dad and brother Dave sawed off some flimsy branches and took a little bit off the bottom and got the tree in the stand, and Mom and I took care of the lights, garland, and decorations! 

It came out pretty nice, and my cat is loving to be able to escape under the tree and sleep. She's probably so confused as to why we're bringing a tree inside! 

Here's some photos from the day:

the black blob under the left side of the tree would be my cat...

She was so thrilled I took a picture of her haha...

Well, if I'm unable to blog again before Christmas Day...Hope you all have a Merry Christmas with your families or friends! Enjoy the season and all the fun it brings! 

Much Love,


Friday, November 9, 2012

Alright, I promised I'd post the recipe of the Sweet Orange Cake I made for work on Halloween Night...aaand pictures of me as Glimmer! And if I do say so myself...I thought the costume came out pretty well =]

But first! The cake, because its more important than me haha ;]

Now in the cookbook, the full title is: The Taste of Gale's Kiss - Sweet Orange Cake
This is officially an inside joke between me and my co-workers now!

here's the recipe:

>Crunch Layer:                                                    

2 cups graham cracker crumbs
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1 package yellow cake mix
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup fresh-squeezed orange juice
1/3 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
1 teaspoon orange extract


1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
2 8-ounce packages cream cheese, softened
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon fresh-squeezed orange juice
1/2 cup whole milk (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350. Oil and flour two 9-inch pans

2. FOR THE CRUNCH LAYER: In a small bowl, mix together the graham cracker crumbs, brown sugar, almonds, butter, and vanilla extract. Divide the mixture evenly between the two prepared pans. Set aside.

3. FOR CAKE: Combine the cake mix, water, orange juice, and oil until just blended. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in orange extract. Stir until thoroughly combined. Pour mixture evenly over the crunch layer in the pans.

4: Bake the cakes for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Remove pans from oven and allow to cool for at least 15 minutes. Invert pans onto a wire rack and let cakes cool completely before frosting.

5. FOR FROSTING: In a medium-sized bowl, beat together the butter, cream cheese, vanilla extract, sugar, and orange juice. If too thick, add up to 1/2 cup whole milk.

6: Once cakes are thoroughly cooled, frost crunch-side-up. Layer cakes on top of one another, and thoroughly frost top and sides.

As an added touch of class, try placing some mandarin orange slices or curled orange skins on top of the cake for an extra-tasty garnish!

(This recipe is taken from The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook)

And this is what it should (hopefully) end up looking like!

I added those orange jelly candies, and it looked awesome until mine caved right down the middle! I wasn't too worried about it because it was just me and co-workers who were gonna eat it. Now if I was gonna enter this thing into a contest...THEN I would've been mad! And if you're worried about it tasting too orange-y, don't! It was the perfect orange-y taste, and OHMYWORD, the frosting was the best part! Seriously, if you ever make a cake, make homemade frosting's 27 times better than store-bought!

And now, introducing...Glimmer!

The trademark Glimmer fishtail braid!

So, there ya go! 

And one last thing before I sign off...In 2 weeks from now, IT WILL BE BLACK FRIDAY! It's so insane to think about! Of course, the commercials have already started, and the other day I heard Christmas music in a store. Poor Thanksgiving always gets shoved to the side now...

Anyway, have a Merry Thanksgiving...I mean, a Happy Thanksgiving *wink*


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I just heard the most thrilling news!

Disney bought Lucasfilm Ltd. and they will be cranking out a new Star Wars movie every 2-2 1/2 years!!!

*happy dance*

Join in if you want ;)

Check out this video for more insight as to why George Lucas is "passing the torch" to Kathleen Kennedy.

I love how he says that he'll get to be a fan now, and I'm just picturing him going to the movie theater for the midnight showing and he won't have to dress up as anything from the Star Wars universe, because...He MADE the Star Wars universe! Just going as himself would be Star Wars-y enough! 

So, thank you George Lucas for creating this world for us to enjoy and explore, and I, for one, look forward to the new movies that will be coming out in the future! I have every confidence in Kathleen Kennedy because she has worked under Lucas' wing for a long time now, and I feel that she will a stellar (pun intended) job with this next chapter in the Star Wars history! 

May the Force be with you!

Go HERE for more about this story.

Okay, enough of Star Wars...

on to Amber Marshall and horses!

If you forgot, Amber Marshall is the lead actress on the Canadian family show, HEARTLAND, which is pretty much my favorite show of all time now! =]

Yesterday, her Life & Style Magazine went on sale! 

Did I order it? Silly question...Of course I did! 

And not just one issue, but the quarterly subscription :D

Why am I an Amber fan?

She's such a sweet, kind, and down-to-earth person with a passion for all animals, from the littlest kitten to the biggest horse. And it is the show, Heartland, that inspired me to become a vet assistant and hopefully one day work with horses. It's also brought out the cowgirl in me, and I'm am perfectly okay with that ;)

^Here's the cover of the first issue!

Can't wait to find this in my mailbox!

Tomorrow, if I have time, I'll post some pictures of my Glimmer costume, and the other two girls who are dressing up as Clove and Effie Trinket!

And, I'll be making those Cheese Buns again, AND a Sweet Orange Cake, that apparently (by the cookbook's reasoning) tastes like Gale Hawthorne's kiss! haha...The girls and I had a good laugh at that one, so I just HAVE to make it! I mean, who WOULDN'T want to know what his kiss tastes like? HAHA...I'll be posting the recipe for that cake as well...

Until next time...


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Since there's a a week and a half until Halloween, I thought it was time to carve up a pumpkin! Everytime I do, I think of Linus in "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" shouting, "Oh! You didn't tell me you were gonna kill it!" to Lucy. Now, speaking of that, I want to watch it! It's always a must watch for me around this time :)

I was all ready to carve a cat's face into it, and at the last second, I changed my mind. I'm glad I did! I think it came out great, and it just shows my love for horses :)

The pumpkin I carved was unique. It still has a lot of green on it except the one patch of all orange where I carved the horse. And it was really tough to get the pieces out after I cut the outline of it. If you look closely, you can see that its still green on the inside of the pumpkin too.  Because of all the small pieces, this thing took me almost 2 hours to do. It's a good thing I don't mind pumpkin carving!

Our mum used to be orange, but it turned yellow and is still as gorgeous as ever!

I hope you found time this weekend for a fun Fall activity! Did you do pumpkin carving like me? If so, what'd you carve into yours?


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Alright, I'm gonna pull a Pioneer Woman and show y'all picture by picture
how I made a recipe from The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook!
I thought it'd be fun to make something from this for Halloween since myself and 2 others at work are dressing up as Hunger Games characters, so it only makes sense to snack on something from the Hunger Games universe! ;)

I decided to make Peeta's Cheese Buns, and surprisingly, it's not hard at all, and I tasted one, and they are yummy!

So here's what you'll need:

Bisquick, garlic powder, sugar, milk, sharp cheddar cheese, butter, Old Bay Seasoning, salt

First off, you wanna preheat the oven to 450 and grease a cookie sheet.

Next add 2 cups of Bisquick to a bowl...

Then add 1/3 teaspoon of garlic powder...

Next, add the 1/4 cup of sugar...

Then add 2/3 cup of milk (I use whole, but use whatever ya got!)...

Next comes the 3/4 cup of sharp cheddar cheese...I LOVE sharp cheese! 

Mix it all up until the milk has combined with all the dry ingredients...

On the greased cookie sheet, place a spoonful of the batter. It doesn't have to look like a perfect circle unless you're really OCD ;)

And bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes!

But we're not done yet! We have a butter mixture to make! 
In a microwave-safe bowl, add a stick of butter...

...1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder...

...1/2 teaspoon of Old Bay Seasoning...

...and lastly, a 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

Heat it up in the microwave for 30 seconds until it's completely melted.

When the cheese buns come out of the oven, generously brush the tops of the buns.

And ta-da! You can now snack on Katniss' favorite cheese buns!

"Katniss loves Peeta's family's cheese buns, and throughout The Hunger Games trilogy the buns have become a symbol of home and of Katniss and Peeta's lives before the became tributes. This symbolism is so pervasive that Katniss's preference for cheese buns becomes part of Peeta and Katniss's 'Real or Not Real' game to help Peeta find himself after the Capitol violated and changed his memories. 
(Mockingjay, Chapter 19)" 
[The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook, pg. 38]

I also might make the Sweet Orange Cake from this cookbook too! 
I'd say that Peeta's Cheese Buns are a success! I might make them more often :)

Until next time...

May the odds be ever in your favor!