Thursday, April 26, 2012

Don'tcha love my title alliteration? At first, the title of this post was gonna be "Adirondack Chairs & Sausage Cheese Balls" until it dawned upon me the awesomeness of what my title could be :] I'm weird, I know, moving on... My skilled and talented co-worker, George, made this ultra-comfy Adirondack chair for my birthday! I got it a couple of weeks ago unpainted, and decided on hunter green. (1)Because it's one of my...

Monday, April 23, 2012


It's a somber day for all those who knew and loved Adrianne Twombly. She went home to be with the Lord on Friday, April 20th, but today is the funeral service where friends and family can go to pay their respects. I met Adrianne in 2007 at my graduation from Oakwood. Such a sweet-heart, gentle, and kind lady. I didn't know her that well, but whenever I saw her (especially during the times with the cancer) she always had a smile and hug to...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Many of you who read this may or may not know that I am a Heartlander. Not as in the "I-live-in-the-heartland-of-America/Canada" Heartlander, but as in "I-am-a-big-time-fan-of-CBC's-TV-show-Heartland" Heartlander! :] Why do I love it? 1. Horses Ever since I was little, I was always into horses. Even though I don't own a horse (hopefully one day!) or ride as much as I want to, I feel so passionate about these beautiful,...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Not a long weekend as in, I've got an extra day off... but as in, I have a cold and threw up all night Friday into the wee hours Saturday morning and felt like crap all day Saturday. Yeah... Friday the 13th was not nice to me. I'm not really superstitous about that type of thing, but it is coincidental. I'm pretty sure I have those lovely kiddos in the nursery to thank for the cold (maybe the stomach bug) and my niece to thank for...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter, everyone! Hope you enjoyed Resurrection Day with your churches and loved ones :) I sure did! How cute is my niece?! Dontcha just love the poofy skirt?! :] Song of the day: "Stronger" by Hillsong "You are stronger, You are stronger, Sin is broken, You have saved me. It is written, Christ is risen! Jesus, You are Lord of all!" -Hillsong PRAYER REQUESTS: 1. My Uncle Vince is in the hospital from a mild...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hey! Happy Bir-- Oh, sorry, it's just that I've said "Happy Birthday" so much over the past 3 days that sometimes I say it to people it doesn't even apply to. haha These past few days have been, for lack of a better word, INSANE!      My niece, Elise, turned 1 on the 29th of March :) We had a small family party for her on her actual birthday and then a big blowout on Saturday with all of her friends she doesn't...