Thursday, April 26, 2012

Don'tcha love my title alliteration?

At first, the title of this post was gonna be "Adirondack Chairs & Sausage Cheese Balls" until it dawned upon me the awesomeness of what my title could be :]

I'm weird, I know, moving on...

My skilled and talented co-worker, George, made this ultra-comfy Adirondack chair for my birthday! I got it a couple of weeks ago unpainted, and decided on hunter green. (1)Because it's one of my favorite shades of green, and (2) because the Adirondack chairs up at the Word of Life Family Campground are the same color :] For those of you who don't know, since 2003 I've worked there every summer. It's practically my 2nd home during the summer, and I have nothing but awesome memories there. But now, whenever I sit in my hunter green chair, I'll be reminded of that amazing camp! Yes, I am a sentimental girl :]

If you or your family is interested in checking out Word of Life Family Campground this summer, you can check out their website >>>here<<<

The chair still needs another coat of paint, I just haven't been able to finish it with all the rain we've been having. Still, it looks pretty sweet! That picture doesn't do it justice, though, so I'll be sure to take another, better picture once I get the last coat on.

Sausage Cheese Balls

Two weeks ago I made these for a breakfast get together at work (which I never went to because I was sick that, and apparently, everyone loved them! Yay! That makes me happy :] The cool thing is that I learned about them from my older sister, who learned about them from her college friend's family who made them when my sister spent Thanksgiving with them one year. So, it's a good thing she didn't come home for Thanksgiving that year or else I never would've known about the epicness known as sausage cheese balls!

here's the recipe(I tweaked it a little):

What you need:
- 3 cups of Original Bisquick mix
- 1 pound of pork sausage (I buy a pound of italian sweet sausage patties and break apart into small pieces when mixing everything together)
-2&1/2-3 cups of shredded cheddar cheese (original recipe called for 4 cups but it felt too cheesy to me)
-1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
-1/2 cup of milk
-1/2 tsp. dried rosemary leaves, crushed
(optional) 1&1/2 tsp. chopped fresh parsley or 1/2 tsp parsley flakes


1. Heat oven to 350 degrees Farenheit. Cover baking sheet with two strips of non-stick aluminum foil.
2. Combined ingredients with hands until well mixed. Shape into 1-inch balls
3. Bake uncovered for 20-25 minutes.
4.  Leave them out until fully cooled or enjoy right away. (I drizzle maple syrup on mine for breakfast. Some recipe have you serve them with a barbeque sauce.)

It's so easy! It's a little messy to make because you use your hands to mix everything together, but it's totally worth it :]

Here's some of the sausage cheese balls I made two weeks ago. So good! You have not lived until you've had a sausage cheese ball. Like, for reals :]

Song of the day: Bango by Rascal Flatts

Photo Rascal Flatts - Banjo Picture & Image

[Chorus]"You gotta go deep
Way on back
Cross a few creeks
And a couple little shacks
You gotta get lost
Way on out
Crickets and frogs
Yeah you’re gettin’ close now
And you kick it into four wheel drive when you run out of road
And you go, and you go and you go-go-go
‘Til you hear a banjo."
Currently reading: A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin