Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter, everyone! Hope you enjoyed Resurrection Day with your churches and loved ones :) I sure did!

How cute is my niece?! Dontcha just love the poofy skirt?! :]

Song of the day: "Stronger" by Hillsong

"You are stronger,
You are stronger,
Sin is broken,
You have saved me.
It is written,
Christ is risen!
Jesus, You are Lord of all!"

1. My Uncle Vince is in the hospital from a mild stroke. much of the left side is paralyzed, though he has feeling. Doctors anticipate him making a full recovery, but now its up to how long physical therapy will take.

2. Adrienne Twombly is not doing well at all health-wise. Doctors have done all they can, but can't find any more treatments for her. This family covets your prayers and is hoping for a miracle that she would get better and not leave her husband and 3 children.