Monday, April 16, 2012

Not a long weekend as in, I've got an extra day off...

but as in, I have a cold and threw up all night Friday into the wee hours Saturday morning and felt like crap all day Saturday.


Friday the 13th was not nice to me.

I'm not really superstitous about that type of thing, but it is coincidental.

I'm pretty sure I have those lovely kiddos in the nursery to thank for the cold (maybe the stomach bug) and my niece to thank for the stomach bug (she had it a couple days before I got it). Or my body was was just so out of it that it just wanted the junk all out asap. And I guess in it's thinking, asap means having me throw up twice an hour from 9:30 Friday night to 4:30 Saturday morning.

Longest night of my life. I wanted to sleep so bad but my body kept waking me up to empty itself. (I sure am being gross in this post aren't I) I was practically falling asleep in the bathroom. Maybe it would've been easier to stay in there now that I think about it.

Saturday I obviously didn't go to work but stayed home drinking ginger ale and eating crackers and toast and sleeping on and off. My Dad wasn't feeling good either so us sickies stayed home while my Mom and bro went to a hockey game. We watched this show about the Holocaust and I was instantly thankful that at least I get to get better from my illness in a comfy setting. All of those Jews who were in the concentration camps who got sick most likely died because of poor conditions and the Nazis working them constantly.

Okay, anyway....

Lots of my Mom's flowers have bloomed already. :) 

Here's some shots I took:

So this post started off as disgusting but ended beautiful :)

Hope y'all have a great week! Enjoy the for us in the Wallace house, we will start thinking about what to put in our garden. so excited!

Song of the Day: A Million Skies by Kensington Prairie