Hey! Happy Bir--
Oh, sorry, it's just that I've said "Happy Birthday" so much over the past 3 days that sometimes I say it to people it doesn't even apply to. haha
These past few days have been, for lack of a better word, INSANE!

My niece, Elise, turned 1 on the 29th of March :) We had a small family party for her on her actual birthday and then a big blowout on Saturday with all of her friends she doesn't even know she's friends with yet. :p Of course, nowadays we all know that you're not really friends with someone until you're friends on facebook ;)

On Friday night, my family celebrated my 2nd cousin, Madeline's birthday. She turned 3! She seriously needs to stop eating Miracle Gro! She was absolutely adorable when opening her gifts! She was excited about everything she got, even the clothes. You can tell, she's a girl if she's excited about clothes. When her brothers get clothes on their birthday, they just toss them aside. hehe
And to end the weekend, my brother-in-law and his cousins particpated in the Anything That Floats competition. It's part of this kayaking derby my town holds every year.
And they actually won 1st place! what an epic end to a crazy fun weekend :)
Oh, and Happy April Fool's Day! I never do anything for this, but it's funny seeing other people do stuff. I had a friend who did the popular fake engagement with a picture of her hand with an "engagement" ring on it. Can't believe people actually fell for it! haha
Song of the Day: We Are the Champions by Queen
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