Friday, October 14, 2011

hey y'all!

Sorry about the huge gap I left you hanging!

Since my last post, I've met some hockey players of the AHL team here in Albany. Don't know if any of you follow hockey or know who Brian Gionta is (he's the Captain on the Montreal Canadiens), but his little brother, Stephen Gionta is on the Albany Devils. What's cool is that Brian started out in the AHL in Albany back when the team was the Albany River Rats, and now his younger brother is getting his shot (no pun intended haha) in Albany. Anyway, I was able to get a picture with Stephen. He's one of my favs on the team this year.

Columbus Day weekend was their first few games of the season. Unfortunately, they lost both, but I'm trying to stay optimistic here. It's only the beginning of the season, right? Plenty of time to improve. :)

That same weekend, myself and my little brother Dave joined my parents up at Paradox Lake in the Adirondacks for some camping. We weren't there long, but we were there long enough to get some good pictures of the colors. It is so beautiful up there right now!

Hope you guys can get out at some point to see the amazing fall colors!
I recommend taking the back roads! :)


P.S. --- my iPod shuffle is still up for grabs! if you want it or know someone who wants it, click >>>HERE<<< to contact me. :)