Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Woohoo! It's pumpkin carving time again! Time to transform these colorful gourd-like squashes into funny, scary, or gruesome faces or images of Halloween. Nowadays, they have Thanksgiving themed carvings or just general Fall ones. Most of the time I usually do a face....



Still lookin' cute, even in the dark!

I'm also going to carve a skull and crossbones pumpkin for my church's "Trunk or Treat/Harvest Festival" cuz I'll be dressed up as a pirate and decorating my trunk all pirate-y, so I thought a skull and crossbones pumpkin would be fun! 

Guess what's on ABC this Thursday @ 8pm?!?!

"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" One of my all-time favs...actually, all the Peanuts movies are my favs :) and I love that they are always shown around the appropiate holiday every year :) We have the DVD so I could watch it right now if I wanted to but there's something about watching it on a TV channel...

Linus kicks up a pile of leaves as he and Lucy head to the pumpkin patch.


poor Linus!

"I got a rock." -Charlie Brown.

Have a safe and fun Halloween...and make sure your kiddos are warm cuz it's suppose to be pretty cold!


Song of the day: "Thriller" by Michael Jackson