Friday, November 11, 2011


Otherwise known as Veteran's Day/Armistice Day/Remembrance Day.

There's a lot of couples getting married today, but obviously, the more important thing to be dwelling on today is those who served our country and those who came back and those who didn't. I'm thankful today that both of my Grandpas and Dad have done their service and had no harm come to them. I'm also so proud of my two brothers, Mike and Dave, who are actively serving in the Air National Guard. As a matter of fact, Mike will be leaving for Afghanistan in May of 2012. Please keep him in your prayers. He will be missed.

As I was scanning through Facebook today I found some good pictures people had posted about Veteran's Day...

^ This one is my favorite.

These pictures say all that I want to say, especially this last one!

Thank you just doesn't seem like enough...


Song of the day: "Letters From War" - Mark Schultz

I dare you not to cry while watching this.