Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hey y'all!

It's almost mid-week...anyone else wishing it was the weekend?

This weekend will actually be a sad one for my family because my older brother, Mike, ships out to the Middle East on Saturday. Luckily, they're letting the families of the airmen come to the base to see them off. And when he's gone, I won't see him until August. :[ Proud of him though! Thanks for serving our country, Mike! Love being your sister :]

Alright, no judging -- I saw The Hunger Games again for a 3rd time! in IMAX this time! it was pretty sweet. It makes you feel like you're actually in the movie.

I searched around saw someone speculate that it may come out on DVD in August. Fingers crossed!

Today was a good day filled with cleaning, finishing Jenny Han's book It's Not Summer Without You, rain, schoolwork, Hunger Games, Wendy's, grooving to the Step Up 3 soundtrack with my little brother, and Dancing With the Stars (Go Katherine, Maria, and Jaleel!) :]

enjoying the little things :]

song of the day: Abraham's daughter by Arcade Fire