Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hey guys and gals!

Hang in there, Thursday almost over, and tomorrow is Friday! Hope all y'all have fun things to do this weekend, and where I live, it's supposed (key word being "supposed") to be nice warm weather with lots of sunshine which we haven't gotten a lot of this past week with all the rain...but still, if you or your family has a garden, that rain is precious! So, I haven't minded too much that its been rainy. In fact, I like the there.

Well, my New York Rangers never made it to the Stanley Cup Finals thanks to the New Jersey Devils, but funny enough, I'm rooting for the Devils since I go see their farm team play and some of the guys on NJ have played in Albany, like Stephen Gionta (who I got a picture with last fall! he's a nice guy and has the cutest family)

'Course, this is him pre-playoff beard! haha...oh, and he's not kneeling or anything! That's how tall he is! My height 5'8"! Woop woop! Represent! Anyway, The Devils won last night so now the series is 3-1, LA leading. Devs gotta win every game now...we'll see what happens!

Have you seen this movie yet?

Snow White and the Huntsman

If you haven't, what are you waiting for?! I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish! It's got Chris Hemsworth in it, so what's not to like? I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "Kristen Stewart", but seriously, she's not half bad in this movie! Charlize Theron was perfect as Ravena, and I just about died when I heard Chris Hemsworth's accent he uses for his role! I think this is a great date movie! Plenty of things to keep both girls and guys happy :)
And just to keep the Chris Hemsworth theme going...I might be going to see The Avengers this Sunday! Still haven't seen it, and I figured I'd better go asap before it leaves theaters! So excited to see it though! I've heard great things about that movie :D

As for school, I'm drowning in flash cards right now! Medical Terminology is trying to kick my butt, but I'm fightin' back as best I can! With multi-colored index cards to boot :{D

In a few weeks, I'll finally be up at Word of Life Family Campground! My second home during the summertime :) So psyched to get up there because they're building a new dining hall! And since I'm a kitchen volunteer, this is extra exciting for me! The campground has come a long way since I first started working there at 13. It looks like the FCG has a great future ahead! Sadly, I know that this might be my last summer helping out because hopefully, I'll find an animal clinic or kennel to work at, but I'm okay with it because there does come a point when you have to move on from things. I'll always love the FCG and will visit (maybe even camp there for a week) but I probably won't get to actually get in there and help out with stuff like I do now...

but, as I'm depressing myself with that talk, I've snapped out of it and am thrilled that I get to help out this summer! Not gonna take any time up there for granted. 

Here's some pictures of the construction...


^I spy Ralph Deshetsky! Love that guy! What a servant!
Word of Life won when they hired him to head up Maintenance :)

AAaahhh! Can't wait to see the finished work in a week and half!

And lastly, here's some pictures of the garden! Stuff is starting to GROW! :)

Have a great weekend!