Sunday, June 3, 2012

Well, my first post of June! I haven't posted anything since Memorial Day!

I did notice though that a couple days ago that I got 47 views on my blog! Thank you all so much who check out and read my blog and see what's going on in my life! Sometimes I feel like the stuff I write about could be boring to others or people could care less, but you've all proven me wrong! And actually, even one person viewed my blog, I'd be happy. I'm really doing this blog for myself. Like an online journal, and you're all fortunate enough that I let you know about and can read it! haha :p

About a week ago I bought a crowntail betta fish, but I told you he didn't have a name.
Now he does!
*trumpet fanfare*
Ladies and gents, I give you.....

(And it was actually the birthday girl, Bethany, who's name I picked from the suggestions!)
Sometimes I call him King Tritan because he was on the Little Mermaid table at the party. He's a good little fishie :] but I swear to you that he knows when I'm gonna feed him because he's always freaking out and swimming in circles when I walk up to his bowl. Oh, and a couple days ago, I was sitting on my bed, and I started waving at him, and he would freak out then too and swim all around and go just plain loco! But when I stopped waving, he'd stop and be still too until I started waving again, then he'd go all nuts-o! I must have a trick fish on my hands! :] I'll let you know when I've trained him to jump out of the water and perform back flips...haha :p

The Disney party for Bethany and Michael's 27th birthday was a success! We had a small crowd show up, but we still had a blast!

^Here's me (in my Alice outfit and mask) and Bethany (in her chalk drawing Mary Poppins outfit and her mask).

^Bethany and Michael, the birthday girl and boy as Mary Poppins and Bert.

It was absolutely perfect that Teresa (middle) showed up as Mad Hatter since I was Alice and Amanda (right) was the Queen of Hearts! Teresa actually won the best costume prize!

^Kiersten (my "Mom"...long story) as Rapunzel and her fiancee', Travis as Flynn, and he's holding Pascal!

My mask, made by the lovely and talented, Amanda (Queen of Hearts)! We keep telling her to make stuff and sell it online! She's so crafty (the good kind *wink*)

^The Peter Pan Table

^The Alice in Wonderland table (That Alice statue is actually a cookie jar! It's my Mom's!)

^Little Mermaid table (Tritan in the center of everything!)

^Beauty & the Beast table (The mask sitting against the candleholders I won in a game! Amanda made masks for the themed tables as well!)

^Mary Poppins table (I almost took this mask. It's hard to see but Amanda glued a "broomstick" to the side!) That's Bethany and Michael's bird, Zeke, in the cage.

^Snow White table

^That statement couldn't be more true!

We also had a photobooth set up, and Disney music playing, food to eat, games to play, and I also had each person record a video birthday message that I'm gonna make into a movie as a present for Bethany and Michael! It was such a fun afternoon, and when we got everything cleaned up after the party, we stayed a while longer and played Apples to Apples. One of my favs! Man, was I wiped out after that day, though! Luckily, I had Monday off because of Memorial Day, so I got to sleep in. My first time sleeping in in a loooong time. Felt amazing!

We finally have our garden in! Here at home^ and we also planted stuff at church. My church tills up tons of land (because we fortunately have a lot of it) for members to have a community garden. Every year it seems more and more people sign up for it! It makes sense, what with the economy...we save a lot of money on veggies and fruit since we plant our own. We can our tomatoes and pickle green beans and Mom even made homemade pickles last year :p sooo yummy! This year we're growing: tomatoes, green, yellow, red, and orange peppers, strawberries, corn, squash, carrots, pumpkins, green beans, snap peas, lettuce, eggplant, broccoli, honey dew, watermelon and raddishes. whew! lots of weeding, watering, and picking in my future! But this is one of the reasons I love summer :] fresh, homegrown goodness!

And now I shall end with this cool picture I took today on the way to cousin's diaper shower (like a baby shower, but instead you get her lots of diapers since she already has stuff from her previous baby shower). My Dad's car has a sunroof, and I happened to look up and see this awesomeness! Dark, gray rain clouds on the left and a clear, aqua-blue sky on the right, and the sun trying to peek through in between them!
It serves a great reminder that no matter how much darkness you travel through, you will eventually make it to those clear blue skies with the sun waiting to warm your soul. It also reminds me that you can never truly hide the sun (Son) :{D

Have a great week, y'all!



pam said...

Oh well, I was hoping for Fishy Barkley but Tritan is a good name for a fish too. ;-)

Liz said...

haha, thanks aunt pam! I love the name too! and who knows, maybe somewhere out there is a fish really named fishy barkley :{D ;]