Saturday, June 9, 2012

Look Who It Is!

Look who it is!

Recognize that redhead on the right in the back row?
Hey, Mike!

He posted this on facebook. Haven't really talked to him in a while, but maybe this weekend we will.

Not too much going on this weekend, which I'm kinda glad for because I feel like I've been doing stuff nonstop every day this week! So it'll be nice to relax tonight, and tomorrow will consist of church and then going to a movie with my other brother Dave. We were gonna go see The Avengers, but I'm so torn because I want to see Prometheus too...decisions, decisions :]

Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals is today, so fingers crossed for the Devils!

What are you guys up to this weekend? What movie are you definitely going to see this summer?
Don't be shy to comment because even if you don't have a blog on blogger, there are a couple of ways to post a comment!

Until next time...