Saturday, June 30, 2012

Yes, yes, I know "funner" isn't a word, but for the sake of how superbly it rhymes with "Summertime", let's put aside our grammatical tendencies and let it be...

See? Don't you feel loads better? haha ;{D

So, the last time I posted, I told y'all I was going to Word of Life Family Campground to help get it ready for campers...I did go up, just not the day I planned. I got a sinus infection that started with a runny nose and post nasal drip on Saturday night, the night before I was supposed to leave, and on Sunday, it was like my nose exploded and mucus just imbedded itself in my nose and sinuses. On Monday, there was no improvement, so I decided that if I wasn't any better on Tuesday then I'd go to the doctor...well, you can probably guess what happened. Yep, I had to go visit the good ol' Doc and I got antibiotics to help clear out the sinuses. Wednesday I felt heaps better and thought it was about time to head up to the Adirondacks :)

I always snap some pictures of Andrew's Pond. This place is so photogenic during a sunset. I've lost count of how many sunsets I've seen at Andrew's Pond, but everyone has been beautiful. It's a great place to go and think, pray, or do your Quiet Time :)

The first week of camp is already over, and they're starting week 2 today! Please just keep everybody from all the WOL camps (Campground, Ranch, Inn, & Island) in your prayers as they serve the campers and that they may create environments that brings people closer to the Lord and to each other. 

Interested in camping at the Campground? 
Watch this promo video first, then >>>CLICK HERE<<<

Before going up to camp, I got to see some of my friends graduate from the same high school I graduated from. Sad thing, is that next year, Oakwood is only going to be an elementary school, because they're not getting enough high-schoolers to enroll. The economy has definitely taken a toll on Oakwood, but I'm trying to be optimistic and praying that the kids in elementary will stay at Oakwood once they finish 6th grade, so there'll be a High School again. 

Anyway, it was cool seeing my friends graduate and headed off to different colleges and pursuits :)

(l to r) Angela, Cody, Alec(aka Mico), Brian, Amaal

It's been a long time comin', but you did it, guys! Congrats!

Me and Amaal. :D She's such a sweetie! (I don't know why my hair looks like two different colors, but it looks pretty sweet! haha)

Me and Brian :{D 
Man, I've known this kid for ages! His older brother, Mark graduated with me, and his family goes to the same church as mine. It's still so crazy to think this guy has graduated high school! I remember when he was in kindergarten, and now he can drive a car and vote, and grow a beard! Time flies!

Brian and my little brother, Dave
These two have been friends for a long time! I had to get a picture of them, but way to not look at the camera, Brian! haha

A few days ago, my family celebrated Nick's, my brother-in-law, birthday! And Dave and I were actually able to be there! We've missed a bunch of his birthdays since we were always up at camp for the summer. One present he got that I wish I could've gotten were tickets to see Brad Paisley, The Band Perry, and Scotty McCreery! That was last night and I've heard it was awesome by many of my friends that went. I just waited too long to buy a ticket. 
But I've heard that when The Zac Brown Band was playing up here, their concert sold out, and I'm pretty sure that the Brad Paisley concert almost or did sell out too, so hopefully that'll compel other country bands to wander up to the great Northeast and serenade us. Countryfest in Albany is coming up next week! I might go if my sister and Nick go. 

Elise wanted to help Nick open presents. Don'tcha love that flower hairclip?!

The big 2-8. what an old man ;) haha...Laura made the cake! It was yummy!

And Elise also wanted to help blow out the candles.

Tree climbing time!

I told Nick to swing like a monkey haha

Dave's dismount. It looks like he's kickin' Nick in the stomach!

Yesterday, Dave and I went to see BRAVE. My...goodness! I love this movie! And since I have a lot of Scottish in me, it made me enjoy it more! I wish my Scottish roots would come out in my accent, because I'm am in love with their accent, especially Merida's! And her red, curly, bushy, hair is amazing! It's also another movie with a female archer (and Merida is wicked skilled! ***spoiler alert*** They show this one scene of her on her horse shooting at all these targets hanging from trees! I think she'd give Katniss a run for her money! haha), and now I just really wanna buy a bow and arrows and start shooting at targets :) This movie is great for the whole family, and has a very good moral in it...but I won't say because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it ;)

There...I think I caught y'all up on the happenings :)

Have an enjoyable last day of June! And get ready for July, the heart of summer!


PS- OH! I almost forgot! almost...MIKE WILL BE COMING HOME ON JULY13TH!!!!! Thank you to all who were praying for him, and please keep it up! He's still got 2-ish weeks to go and the flight back!