Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today, I finally did it...

I finally rambled down the walking/bike/running path just a few minutes from my house across the railroad tracks. And I'm sorry I haven't walked on the path before! It's such a peaceful trail, and I'm definitely going to walk down it again! Once the leaves change color a little more, I'm gonna take some pictures. I took some today though, to show y'all the awesome view I had! 
(Note: the leaves in the pictures look yellow because of the sun and I did a little editing to make the colors pop a little more)

here's part of a different trail I found.

I love The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. I thought it fit pretty good with this picture.

found some dog pawprints :) 

It may get cooler out as the seasons change, but that doesn't mean you should stop walking. just wear a coat, hat, and some gloves! I think I may even walk this path in the winter. I'm sure I'll get some good shots!

until next time,

happy trails!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

here's me being cheesy! what else is new?! haha
Yep, it's been a whole year, technically that starts tomorrow, but tomorrow's Monday and I just don't have time to blog about this. So i'm celebrating early! :)
I remember my first entry on this blog too. I posted a pictures of a bunch of horses running, and said that one day I'd own a horse. Well, that hasn't happened this past year, but I did get a more legit cowboy hat :)

I admit, I have a fake pair of cowboy boots, but I will remedy that soon! 

Since last year, I have gone back to school taking a Vet Assistant course, and loving I'm it so far! I've babysat my adorable niece, gone apple picking, dressed up as a pirate for Halloween, gone Black Friday shopping with my sister, went to First Night Saratoga with my friends, went to an NHL game, wiped out sledding down Tallmadge park's steep hill, turned 23, helped my friends plan a Disney-themed birthday party and dressed up as Alice for it, got a new haircut, spent a few weeks volunteering at the Word of Life Family Campground, camped with my family, almost caught 2 smallmouth bass in the same pond, attacked the church's grass with Old Red, went to Gettysburg and Lancaster, saw Jonah at Sight and Sound Theater, and most recently, I have locked myself out of the house with my car key still inside (not that this is important, but I'm still laughing about it because I rarely do this!)

And my latest news that I'm excited about is that I'll be getting a rabbit for FREE and my dad and I will be building a hutch for it :) and I already have a name for it, but I won't reveal that until I actually have the rabbit! Well, it's not a horse, but its a start! Unfortunately rabbits only live between 5-10 years depending on the breed you get, and since my rabbit is an orphaned wild rabbit, I'm not sure how long they live. I'll post pictures as soon as I have him/her! :)

So Happy birthday, Bloggy. You've been fun to run and to share my thoughts with everyone.
Here's hoping I keep it up!!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh, good grief, I can finally say unashamed that I'm obsessed with The Hunger Games!!

Why, you may ask?

Because I'll be channeling my inner Glimmer for Halloween this year! No kidding!

Leven Rambin as Glimmer

Again, you may be asking, why is a 23 year old young adult dressing up for Halloween? Are you going trick or treating? Aren't you a little old for that?

While adults nowadays have Halloween parties and women dress up in skimpy outfits, I won't be doing that...I, at least, have some respect for myself :)

Instead, myself and two of my co-workers will be dressing up as Hunger Games characters for work! yeah, we have to work Halloween night :/...ain't that depressing? But we chose to make the most of it, and dress up since this is the only night we can legitimately do so and not be judged :]

Now, for those of you who are familiar with The Hunger Games Know that Glimmer is a District 1 (for lack of a better word that doesn't include a cuss word) brat who has been brought up and trained her whole life for the sole purpose of competing in The Hunger Games. The Tributes from District 1 and 2 are called "Careers", and consider it a great honor to be chosen to represent their District.

Glimmer is a feisty, arrogant blonde who's not scared to speak her mind and gets what she wants. She doesn't care about anything (except maybe Cato *wink*). Like any District 1 Tribute, she is overconfident. Mostly because the people of Panem automatically think a Tribute from District 1 or 2 will be the victor. For the brief time she was alive during the 74th Hunger Games, her choice of weapon was the bow and arrow, and she didn't have to think twice about shooting down a Tribute. 

We see Glimmer as a "bad guy" in the movie, but I assure you, I won't act like her at work! If I did, I might get fired! I will only look like her :)

So now begins my search of finding clothing that somewhat resembles the arena outfit for the District 1 Careers...

Finding brownish-green cargo pants, shirt, and light brown inside jacket shouldn't be a problem. It's the jacket and boots that have me worried. I found a great pair yesterday for pretty cheap, but they don't come in my size! I'm crossing my fingers that they'll restock it in my size! sometimes I hate being size 10 :/

I also would like to have a bow, some arrows and maybe a quiver to put them in.

I can't wait to see this all come together! :)

Pictures will definitely be happening, so don't worry! 

If you were going to be a Hunger Games character for Halloween, who would you be???

Until next time....

May the odds be ever in your favor.
EDIT: go HERE to see pictures of me as Glimmer!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gone But Not Forgotten

Photo credit: Songquan Deng/Bigstock

Do you remember where you were and what your were doing when the first plane struck? Do you remember what you were feeling? What you were thinking?

Did you think the first plane was just an accident...

...until the second plane hit the other tower?

Did you cry? Did you pray? Did you know anyone in those towers who never made it out? Do you forget about this horrific event until today? 9/11's mantra is "Never Forget", but how many of us do until 9/11 comes around every year? I'll admit, I have. 

The Pentagon gets hit also.

United Flight 93 crashes in Shanksville, PA. It's speculated that the plane could have been heading for the White House, but thanks to the heroics of the passengers, that never happened. We are eternally thankful for them.

I don't know what else to else other than let you watch again for yourself. Here's some vidoes from Youtube from 9/11:

1) 1st plane has hit

2) 2nd plane hits

3) South Tower collapses

4) North Tower collapes

5) Coverage on the Pentagon attack

6) United Flight 93 Audio from plane

Here's something I found from my cousin's facebook:

"A scream torn from midair,
the sound of twisted metal clamors
out of blurry television images.
The T.V. silent,
but the images screamed in my head.
People will say:

it was a morning like any other,
and that is what it was.
The sun still rose,
not anticipating the horrors
it would illuminate.
People rose,
innocent of the terror they would witness
and the strength.
Which is what I will remember.
The miracle cries united
so many courageous voices
drowning out the sound of
buildings falling silently,
the giant damaged blossoms of humanity
crushed against the perfect sky."
-Elizabeth Keene 
written in 2001; revised, 2006

Friday, September 7, 2012

FYI - my post's title is from the song "White Horses" by Jenn Grant. She's a Canadian pop-singer/songwriter from Nova Scotia, who I discovered while watching my favorite show, Heartland! She's got this folksy, very unique voice and her music always makes me relax.

if you feel so inclined, you can check out her site and music right HERE.

The title sounds exactly how I feel! I really have been aching for September! While, I love summer and all the fun things that come with it...I'm just looking forward to cooler temperatures, wearing hoodies, drinking more hot beverages, apple picking, leaf peeping, harvest festivals, and campfires. We got apple cider and cider donuts yesterday which got me in the mood! Now if the weather would just cool down! 

I got so in the mood for cooler weather, that I was boot browsing earlier! But I'm restraining myself of buying them until we get closer to snowier weather :)
Here's what they look like in all their glory:

I think I've had the same pair of winter boots (like boots you can actually trudge around in the snow) since early high school, so in a few months, I'm buying myself a pair of these beauties!
They're North Face's Abby III boots for women, but the awesomeness of it all is that I'm not going to spend almost $200 for them because I found them on a different outdoor store site for $120 less! Yay for bargain shopping!

Alright, time for a movie spotlight!
This movie has been out on DVD for a bit, but I've only just seen it 2 days ago...

It ain't got that "Truly Moving Picture" award on it for nothing! First of all, I love Drew Barrymore, and John Krasinski, AND Kristin Bell, so I knew right off that it would be an awesome movie with them in it :) 
It's about 3 California whales, 2 parents and their young, who get trapped by ice in Point Barrow, Alaska where Inupiat whale hunters live. These whales can only stay underwater for so long before they have to come up to the surface for air. A news reporter miraculously finds them coming up out of a small hole in the ice, and pretty soon, reporters from all over the world, Green-peace, oil executives, 2 small business owners from Minnesota, the military, and eventually even the Russians are involved in trying to rescue these whales from their prison. This movie is based off of the 1989 book Freeing the Whales by Tom Rose, which recounts Operation Breakthrough from 1988.
Apparently this movie flopped at the box office, and I'm kinda shocked! I love movies that are based on or inspired by true events! Because those events that inspired the movie, end up inspiring you as well, and you leave the movie theater on cloud 9! I really think people need to go to more movies like this, or at the very least, take it out at their library and give it a chance. 
This movie had you rooting for the efforts of everyone involved rescuing these whales, and taught you that no matter what the circumstances are, there is always a way through every obstacle as long as you don't depend on yourself, but let others help and carry you through.
People all the around the world wanted to help, and back when this actually happened in 1988, the Soviet Union was still in existence. That says A LOT that they came to help with the rescue. And the Inupiat people helped, even though they could've killed the whales to feed their families, but they went against tradition and showed compassionate for these great creatures of God.
When you really think about it, this rescue effort was practically a miracle from God! 
He brought people from around the world together in peace, and changed the hearts of a people who could've made it easier to just kill them and eat them.
The acting was so genuine and heartfelt where it would tug you on the heartstrings and start to make you feel a part. I'll admit that I teared up a bit a certain parts (don't want to give anything away!). 
If you're an animal lover like me, then you will love this movie! And I hope that even if you're not as crazy about wildlife as I am, that you'll give this movie a chance instead of watching a vampire movie! ;)