Photo credit: Songquan Deng/Bigstock
Do you remember where you were and what your were doing when the first plane struck? Do you remember what you were feeling? What you were thinking?
Did you think the first plane was just an accident...
...until the second plane hit the other tower?

Did you cry? Did you pray? Did you know anyone in those towers who never made it out? Do you forget about this horrific event until today? 9/11's mantra is "Never Forget", but how many of us do until 9/11 comes around every year? I'll admit, I have.
The Pentagon gets hit also.
United Flight 93 crashes in Shanksville, PA. It's speculated that the plane could have been heading for the White House, but thanks to the heroics of the passengers, that never happened. We are eternally thankful for them.
I don't know what else to else other than let you watch again for yourself. Here's some vidoes from Youtube from 9/11:
1) 1st plane has hit
2) 2nd plane hits
3) South Tower collapses
4) North Tower collapes
5) Coverage on the Pentagon attack
6) United Flight 93 Audio from plane
Here's something I found from my cousin's facebook:
"A scream torn from midair,
the sound of twisted metal clamors
out of blurry television images.
The T.V. silent,
but the images screamed in my head.
the sound of twisted metal clamors
out of blurry television images.
The T.V. silent,
but the images screamed in my head.
People will say:
it was a morning like any other,
and that is what it was.
The sun still rose,
not anticipating the horrors
it would illuminate.
People rose,
innocent of the terror they would witness
and the strength.
Which is what I will remember.
The miracle cries united
so many courageous voices
drowning out the sound of
buildings falling silently,
the giant damaged blossoms of humanity
crushed against the perfect sky."
-Elizabeth Keene
written in 2001; revised, 2006
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