photo from: midnightbloomreads blog
here's me being cheesy! what else is new?! haha
Yep, it's been a whole year, technically that starts tomorrow, but tomorrow's Monday and I just don't have time to blog about this. So i'm celebrating early! :)
I remember my first entry on this blog too. I posted a pictures of a bunch of horses running, and said that one day I'd own a horse. Well, that hasn't happened this past year, but I did get a more legit cowboy hat :)
I admit, I have a fake pair of cowboy boots, but I will remedy that soon!
Since last year, I have gone back to school taking a Vet Assistant course, and loving I'm it so far! I've babysat my adorable niece, gone apple picking, dressed up as a pirate for Halloween, gone Black Friday shopping with my sister, went to First Night Saratoga with my friends, went to an NHL game, wiped out sledding down Tallmadge park's steep hill, turned 23, helped my friends plan a Disney-themed birthday party and dressed up as Alice for it, got a new haircut, spent a few weeks volunteering at the Word of Life Family Campground, camped with my family, almost caught 2 smallmouth bass in the same pond, attacked the church's grass with Old Red, went to Gettysburg and Lancaster, saw Jonah at Sight and Sound Theater, and most recently, I have locked myself out of the house with my car key still inside (not that this is important, but I'm still laughing about it because I rarely do this!)
And my latest news that I'm excited about is that I'll be getting a rabbit for FREE and my dad and I will be building a hutch for it :) and I already have a name for it, but I won't reveal that until I actually have the rabbit! Well, it's not a horse, but its a start! Unfortunately rabbits only live between 5-10 years depending on the breed you get, and since my rabbit is an orphaned wild rabbit, I'm not sure how long they live. I'll post pictures as soon as I have him/her! :)
So Happy birthday, Bloggy. You've been fun to run and to share my thoughts with everyone.
Here's hoping I keep it up!!
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