Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh, good grief, I can finally say unashamed that I'm obsessed with The Hunger Games!!

Why, you may ask?

Because I'll be channeling my inner Glimmer for Halloween this year! No kidding!

Leven Rambin as Glimmer

Again, you may be asking, why is a 23 year old young adult dressing up for Halloween? Are you going trick or treating? Aren't you a little old for that?

While adults nowadays have Halloween parties and women dress up in skimpy outfits, I won't be doing that...I, at least, have some respect for myself :)

Instead, myself and two of my co-workers will be dressing up as Hunger Games characters for work! yeah, we have to work Halloween night :/...ain't that depressing? But we chose to make the most of it, and dress up since this is the only night we can legitimately do so and not be judged :]

Now, for those of you who are familiar with The Hunger Games Know that Glimmer is a District 1 (for lack of a better word that doesn't include a cuss word) brat who has been brought up and trained her whole life for the sole purpose of competing in The Hunger Games. The Tributes from District 1 and 2 are called "Careers", and consider it a great honor to be chosen to represent their District.

Glimmer is a feisty, arrogant blonde who's not scared to speak her mind and gets what she wants. She doesn't care about anything (except maybe Cato *wink*). Like any District 1 Tribute, she is overconfident. Mostly because the people of Panem automatically think a Tribute from District 1 or 2 will be the victor. For the brief time she was alive during the 74th Hunger Games, her choice of weapon was the bow and arrow, and she didn't have to think twice about shooting down a Tribute. 

We see Glimmer as a "bad guy" in the movie, but I assure you, I won't act like her at work! If I did, I might get fired! I will only look like her :)

So now begins my search of finding clothing that somewhat resembles the arena outfit for the District 1 Careers...

Finding brownish-green cargo pants, shirt, and light brown inside jacket shouldn't be a problem. It's the jacket and boots that have me worried. I found a great pair yesterday for pretty cheap, but they don't come in my size! I'm crossing my fingers that they'll restock it in my size! sometimes I hate being size 10 :/

I also would like to have a bow, some arrows and maybe a quiver to put them in.

I can't wait to see this all come together! :)

Pictures will definitely be happening, so don't worry! 

If you were going to be a Hunger Games character for Halloween, who would you be???

Until next time....

May the odds be ever in your favor.
EDIT: go HERE to see pictures of me as Glimmer!