Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country free, and thank you to all the families who unselfishly let them go. Freedom isn't free. So today, in the midst of your barbeques, pool parties, and camping trips, just take a moment and silently honor the fallen. Also pray for the families that have lost loved ones, or families who are waiting and praying for their safe return home. One...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wow! Pretty bad Knock, Knock joke, huh? This is why I go to my brother-in-law if I'm in need of a good joke! He's always knows an endless supply! Actually, I do have one joke I got off of the old TV show, Hee Haw: What do you call an eskimo who buils an igloo underground? ...... An Eskimole! *insert laughter here* :]<---smiley face  :D <---grinning face  :{D <---grinning face w/ moustache We have a...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Yep. The summer of 2012 looks like it might be a hot one. A really, really hot one... I love summer just as much as the next person. There's camping, campfires, s'mores, swimming, going to the drive-in, flip flops, tank tops, county fairs, rodeos, grilling, and gardening...but I just loathe the heat sometimes! Especially when it's humid! Me and humidity aren't the best of friends. The other day I commented to my Grandpa Wallace how...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wellll, as promised, I said I'd share with y'all about the Taste of Home Cooking Show. I hadn't been to one until last night, so I didn't know what to expect... ...Something else I didn't expect was to win something in the raffle! I know we all say to ourselves, "I never win anything in this raffle or that raffle" and I'm the same way! No joke, Lauren and I were just saying that very thing, when 10 seconds later, the emcee pulls out my name!...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day! Yes, I am saying that even though we recognized Mom nationwide yesterday, but really, every day is Mother's Day! (right, Mom?) ;) Thank you Mom for all you do, but I can never say thank you enough! You still love me even when I mess up, you support me in everything I do, and have taught me how to be a loving, kind, and gentle woman. And you're pretty cool to boot :) My prayer is that I can be as good a wife and mother like...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Finally finished putting 2 more coats on my Adirondack chair! Looks pretty now :] rained all day yesterday and it held up bubbling up or anything! and now a random picture I took in the woods :] the week's halfway gone! hang in there! it's almost the weekend! Don't forget it's Mother's Day this weekend! As a present, me and my sister are bringing my Mom to a Taste Like Home Cooking Show! (don't worry she already...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mike is now on his way to his deployment. I'd tell you where, but for security reasons and that this is the internet and anyone can access my blog, I won't reveal where. He'll only be gone a few months, so I think that's why the mood was so light as we waited with him before his plane took off. Of course, when we said to goodbye to him, we were all sad. Sad to see him go, but so proud of him for his courage to *volunteer* for this deployment!...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hey y'all! It's almost mid-week...anyone else wishing it was the weekend? This weekend will actually be a sad one for my family because my older brother, Mike, ships out to the Middle East on Saturday. Luckily, they're letting the families of the airmen come to the base to see them off. And when he's gone, I won't see him until August. :[ Proud of him though! Thanks for serving our country, Mike! Love being your sister :] Alright,...