Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Yes, I am saying that even though we recognized Mom nationwide yesterday, but really, every day is Mother's Day! (right, Mom?) ;)

Thank you Mom for all you do, but I can never say thank you enough! You still love me even when I mess up, you support me in everything I do, and have taught me how to be a loving, kind, and gentle woman. And you're pretty cool to boot :) My prayer is that I can be as good a wife and mother like you are!

Dave, Mike, Mom, Laura, and me, Liz!

Hope all you other Moms had a wonderful day being pampered and waited on!

As usual, we took Mom out to eat with our grandparents after church and later, we went over to my sister's and had coffee and desserts with my family and my brother-in-laws family. We kids had to come up with desserts to make, and the funny thing is, we all thought: FRUIT! But in different styles of course.

Nick (brother in law) made an amazing fruit platter with dip. His sister, Lauren made this brownie/cheescake scrumptiousness with sliced strawberries on top, and I brought angel food cake, strawberries and raspberries and blackberries to put on that, and whipped cream to top it off :p Mmmm, everything was so good! and Nick also made this drink called Patriotic punch. It's like a sweet tea but with cranberry juice, apple juice with apples and strawberries floating in the drink. Yummy!

And tonight, as a Mother's Day gift my sister, Lauren, and I are taking ours and Lauren's Mom to the Taste of Home Cooking Show. Never been to one, so I'm excited to see what it's like. I'll tell y'all everything about it some point this week.

OH! We got to skype with Mike yesterday morning before church! This was at 8am here, but where he is, it was 6pm. He said this week that he was going to be doing a flight into a more dangerous area of the Middle East. Everywhere he goes, he has to carry a firearm with him. It's also wicked hot over there. He said it was 110 there yesterday! Luckily, they have a pool. We were busting on him when he said we was going to go for a swim after skyping! The Air Force sure knows how to treat their guys! The Air Force also reminded them all to call their Moms! haha

Last thing...I finished the material for school on Handling & Restraint, and now I get to do the fun part (har har): studying. Most of the material I've retained pretty well, so I should do fine, but your prayers would be appreciated, for this exam and every one I take in the future.

Until next time,