Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The summer of 2012 looks like it might be a hot one.
A really, really hot one...
I love summer just as much as the next person. There's camping, campfires, s'mores, swimming, going to the drive-in, flip flops, tank tops, county fairs, rodeos, grilling, and gardening...but I just loathe the heat sometimes! Especially when it's humid! Me and humidity aren't the best of friends.

The other day I commented to my Grandpa Wallace how much I hated the mugginess, and he promptly told me, "At least you're not where Mike is where it's 110 every day."
Well...got me there.
I know I should be grateful for this kind of weather, because some people don't even have summers. That's something I need to work on: not getting all worked up about things I can't even control. So, starting now, I'm gonna take each day in stride and find things to be thankful for! That'll get my mind off of the summer heat. I am thankful that where I live, I experience all four seasons.
But, I gotta tell ya, that I'm a Fall/Winter girl, even though I was born in springtime :p Probably because that's when hockey season is in full wing haha I LOVE me some hockey!
Speaking of....GO RANGERS!
They're 2 wins away from going to the Stanley Cup Finals! The first time since 1994! And after the regular season they've had, they really deserve it! I hope to see Lundqvist raising the Cup in a couple weeks...that guy defends the net like a boss! And this Kreider kid who only just started playing for the Rangers when the playoffs began has already become one of my favorites along with Callahan, Dubinsky, Gaborik, Stepan, Del Zotto, Rupp, and Boyle!
Alright, if I don't stop talking hockey now, I'll just keep going and going haha....

Mike Update

We skyped with him on Sunday for a little bit. He said his flights have gone well and one flight in particular, they were transporting explosive-type things! He says its as hot as ever there, but he's doing good. Misses us and home obviously. If you'd like to send him a care package, feel free to ask me and I can get you the address. I don't want to put it on here for the whole world to see. Mike had Monday off, but said he'd most likely have a flight today and probably one or two more this week. His plane hasn't had to transport any injured soldiers as of yet, so that's a blessing. But he is connected in some way to all of us by phone or internet, so drop by his facebook and give him a shoutout! I know he'd appreciate it! And so would I, knowing that there are so many of you who acknowledge what he's doing for our country and always encouraging him and praying for him.

Have you noticed they're are no pictures? I usually try to put at least one in my posts, but my poor little camera has a bent in lens cover and I've had to send it to a repair station so they can fix it. I still have my old camera I used before this one (that I only recently got for Christmas) but I just haven't remembered to take any photos lately.

But, I've edited a lot of pictures from my favorite show, Heartland, so I figured, why not share some with you? Even if you don't watch the show, I hope you like them : ]

(Disclaimer: I own none of these photos. All rights reserved to CBC and Heartland.)

Have a great week, everybody, and like it says in that last picture: Live adventurously, Laugh about every thing...and smile like Jack.