Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wow! Pretty bad Knock, Knock joke, huh?

This is why I go to my brother-in-law if I'm in need of a good joke! He's always knows an endless supply!
Actually, I do have one joke I got off of the old TV show, Hee Haw:
What do you call an eskimo who buils an igloo underground?


An Eskimole!

*insert laughter here*

:]<---smiley face 
:D <---grinning face 
:{D <---grinning face w/ moustache

We have a new addition to the Wallace family!
A brand-spankin' new crowntail male betta fish! My first betta fish! *glub glub*

He doesn't have a name yet, because I'm going to let people give me some ideas at my friend's birthday party tomorrow. I have no idea what to name him. My last fish I just called Fishie...I know, soooo original! ;]
And this guy deserves a much more creative name! I mean, just look at his billowing fins! They look so much cooler in person when you're watching him swim around!

And speaking of my friend's (Bethany & Michael)birthday party....That is tomorrow afternoon! I'm so excited! It's a Disney themed party and we encouraged people to dress up as any Disney character they want! As for me, I'm going as Alice from Alice in Wonderland :)

Hopefully I'll get some good pictures to share with y'all!

Until next time,

(aka Alice) ;)