Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Finally finished putting 2 more coats on my Adirondack chair! Looks pretty now :]

rained all day yesterday and it held up bubbling up or anything!

and now a random picture I took in the woods :]

the week's halfway gone! hang in there! it's almost the weekend! Don't forget it's Mother's Day this weekend! As a present, me and my sister are bringing my Mom to a Taste Like Home Cooking Show! (don't worry she already knows! that's why I'm posting it!) I've never been to one before, so I'm sure I'll write a future post about Mother's Day and the cooking show :]

As for Mike, he's doing great! He called us a couple days ago, and they're still making there way to the Middle East. They've had to make stops at different places...places I've dreamed of going to my whole life! He said he's taken pictures and one place they stopped at, he said they were going to go snorkeling! Sounds like a nice deployment to me! haha! ;)

School is going well. Actually, I forgot to tell y'all, but I got a 100 on my Animal Behavior exam! So thrilled! I'm almost done now with Handling & Restraint. Pretty much the whole material tells you how to properly handle and restrain dogs, cats, rodents, birds, reptiles, and farm animals like horses *grin*, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and fowl. In the material they sent me, they also included a DVD of VAs and VTs showing you the handle and restraint methods I read about in the book. The book includes pictures of each step, but the video of it is extremely helpful! Soon enough, I'll probably be looking around to see if any places would let me volunteer. Getting to the exciting part of the studying process! Just please keep me in your prayers that I'll continue to study well on my own (because sometimes its hard to be motivated) and that I'll be able to retain all the information I'm learning (and there is *a lot*!), and also pray that I'll be able to find a place to volunteer.