Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wellll, as promised, I said I'd share with y'all about the Taste of Home Cooking Show. I hadn't been to one until last night, so I didn't know what to expect...

...Something else I didn't expect was to win something in the raffle! I know we all say to ourselves, "I never win anything in this raffle or that raffle" and I'm the same way! No joke, Lauren and I were just saying that very thing, when 10 seconds later, the emcee pulls out my name! It's not like I won a cruise or trip anywhere. All I won was a reusable bag from Price Chopper with assorted foods inside...but I was excited anyway! haha :] because, like I said...I never win anything...but last night, that all changed!

When we walked in the Saratoga Convention Center, we all got a bag filled with coupons, spice samples, Taste of Home magazines, and that fateful blue raffle sheet that I filled out.

Before the cooking show started, we walked around all the different vendors. Most of them were obviously food vendors who were promoting their businesses. A lot of them were local businesses, too. One vendor was called Sticky Fingers, and from one end of their table to the other was filled with caramel AND chocolate coated apples (apparently apples that won't brown even after cutting it in half)with different crushed candies like snickers, reese's PB cups, reese's pieces, and oreo stuck to them. Some of them had white or dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. My Mom got the dark chocolate coated one :p yum! We haven't tried it yet...maybe tonight...Mmmm

The main event was the cooking show. We had a chef named Michael Barna. Does his name sound familiar to you? Maybe, maybe not. I didn't know this until last night, but he is a hand model. I guess they used his hands in the movie Signs for when Mel Gibson's character cuts off one the alien's fingers. He mentioned another movie they used his hands in, but I can't remember. He's also made local and national commercials and helped open three gourmet casino restaurants. and he's pretty funny. He kept us laughing through the 10 recipes he showed us how to make from one of the magazines we got in our goodie bags.

The "kitchen" was set up on a stage, and they rigged up a camera directly above where would prepare the food. The two giant screens on either side helped us see what he was doing.

And the cool part was that people could win the food he made! Sadly, we didn't win any food, but that point I had already won my bagful of food, so I didn't care. Mom also won an American flag with a collapsible flag pole. We thought it fitting since we have Dave and Mike in the military :]

All in all, it was a fun night! If you love cooking or looking for new stuff to make, or just want a night out with the girls, I would totally recommend going to one!

Go >>>HERE<<< to find a cooking show near you!

Laura, Me, and Mom

Teri, Lauren, and Laura

Me and Mom <3

Don't those look amazing!?

checking out the vendors

Laura's lovin it!

Yep, we sat in the back. We're backrow Baptists, so give us a break! Still, we had a good view.

Mom's bug eyes! haha

Michael Barna

The food I won! Panko bread crumbs, Thai Chili Roasted Garlic, Peanut Butter, Tomato Bruschetta, Olive oil, Balsamic Vinegar, and Stone Ground Wheat crackers. During the show, I opened up the crackers and bruschetta and snacked on that! haha I was hungry, so I just ate the food I won instead of going to buy something.